
Monday, September 30, 2019

Police System In Japan Essay

In Japan, police system generally enjoy wide community support and respect. The system, so called keisatsu seido consists of approximately 220,000 police officers who are organized into prefectural forces coordinated and partially controlled by the National Police Agency in Tokyo. Concerning the historical development, during the Edo period – we are talking about the years 1600 – 1868 here, the Tokugawa Shogunate ( the form of those days governing the country ) developed elaborate police system based on town magistrates who held samurai status and served as chiefs of police, prosecutors and criminal judges. The system was extended by citizens  ´s groups such as five-family associations ( gonin gumi ) . These groups were composed of neighbours, collectively liable to the government for the activities of their membership. After the Meiji Restoration in 1868, the main change in the whole Japanese history, the Home Ministry was established in 1873. With jurisdiction over the Police Bureau, it effectively controlled the police. This new, centralized police system had wide-ranging responsibilities, includng the authority to issue ordinances and handle quasi-judicial functions. It also regulated public health, factories, constructions, businesses and issued permits, licenses and orders. In 1911 the Special Higher Police was established to help control proscribed political activities. Later in 1928 it was strengthened with the introduction of the Peace Preservation Law. When the Sino-Japanese War began in 1937, the police were given the added responsibilities of regulating business activities for the war efforts, mobilizing labour and controlling transportatioon. Also regulation of publications, motion pictures, political meetings, and election campaigns came under police direction. After World War II, Japan as a defeated country was under strong pressure and influence mainly from the U.S., on all branches of life, including the police system. The National Diet – the highest organ of state power was required to enact a new Police Law. This 1947 law abolished the previous  Home Ministry. It decentralized the system by establishing about 1,600 independent municipal police forces in all cities and towns with population of over 5,000 smaller communities. These were served by the newly created National Rural Police. General contol of the police was supposed to be ensured by the establishment of civilian public safety commissions. As to present structure, today the Japanese police system is based on prefectural units that are autonomous in daily operations yet are linked nationalwide under the National Police Agency. Prefectural police headquarters, including the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, control everyday police operations in each prefecture. In effect, the prefectures pay for the patrol man on the beat, traffic control over domestic security units, which are funded by the national government, as are the salaries of senior national and prefectural police officials. Prefectures are divided into districts, each with its own police station under direct control of prefectural police headquarters. There are about 1,250 of these police stations nationwide. Districts are further subdivided into jurisdictions of urban police boxes ( koban ) and rural residential police boxes ( chuzaisho). The mainstay of the Japanese police system is the uniformed patrol officer (omawari san ). The patrol officers supply the police boxes and patrol cars and comprised 40 percent of al incidents and crimes and then move them to the specialized units for further investigation. The sphere of police resposibilities remains broad. Besides solving ordinary crimes, criminal investigators establish the causes of fires and industrial accidents. Crime prevention police hold added responsibility for juveniles, businesses and the enforcement of â€Å"special laws† regulating gun and sword ownership, drugs, smuggling, prostitution, pornography and industrial pollution. Public safety commissions usually defer to police decisions. Police contact with the community is extended by the requirement that koban based police visit every home in their jurisdiction to gather information,  pass on suggestions regarding crime prevention and hear complaints. Neighbourhood crime prevention and traffic safety associations provide another link between police and community, further promoting extensive public involvement in law and order.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Life in the 13 Original Colonies Essay

In the 1600’s and 1700’s, the economies of the northern and southern colonies were affected due to many different factors. Because of the different climates and geography of their land, the northern colonies and southern colonies had different resources available to them, which shaped their societies into what they are today. The resources available to the northern colonies were completely different from the resources that were available to the southern colonies. In the northern colonies, due to the climate and geography of their land, crop growth wasn’t as successful as it was in the south. The could weather and rocky land made it hard for them so as time went on, the northern colonies became more of an industrial people and relied more on manufacturing things like naval equipment and rum. A few of the northern colonies participated in what they called a triangular trade system where New England traded rum for slaves from Africa and then these slaves were given to the west indies in exchange for sugar and molasses, which was made into rum again. The northern colonies heavily relied on this system and it was this that brought New England success. In the south, the climate was mainly warm and perfect for crop growth so the southern colonies became more agricultural. The main reason the south had such great success in the area of crop growth was because they discovered a great cash crop called tobacco. Due to it’s addictive nature and great taste, the demand for it was very high. The south purchased tons of slaves because farmers relied on slavery to help the success of their farms and crops. They were different from the northern colonies in this way because the north rarely used slaves. They merely transported them. Education was strongly affected by the geography and climate also, believe it or not. The North was cold and hard to grow crops in so they were more industrial based. This meant that all of the people needed to know how to read and write in order to make deals with the other nations. In the northern colonies, there were very few public schools. Therefore, the parents of children usually just hired a tutor until they went off to a university. If the family couldn’t afford a tutor, then they either sent the child to a public school, or didn’t educate them at all. In the south, the climate and geography was perfect for growing crops. Therefore most people lived on large farms called plantations. There was less emphasis on education in the south because most of the people were  slaves or indentured servants. Also, even many of the landowners didn’t know how to read or write because not much is needed to know in order to farm and they didn’t have to worry about trading overseas. They left that to the north. Ultimately, the geography and climate of the northern and southern colonies was the main factor that shaped the societies into what they are today. For instance, the north had horrible luck in climate for crop growth, which made them more of an industrial group of settlers. The south thrived on crop growth, which made them more of an agricultural group of settlers.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

A Feminist Criticism of a Farewell to Arms Essay

After finishing A Farewell to Arms, I found it difficult to reconcile Judith Fetterley’s feminist attack of the novel with my own personal opinions. I agree that Hemingway does kick women to the curb in his portrayal of Catherine, but my reasons for pinning this crime on Hemingway are different from hers’. Although she means well, Fetterley makes the ridiculous claim that by portraying Catherine as an angelic, selflessly loving â€Å"woman to end all women,† Hemingway disguises misogynistic attitudes and a deep-seeded hatred towards the XX chromosome. This claim is not supported by the text. If we look at Hemingway through the lens of his own words, we find that his misogyny does not spring from a â€Å"too good to be true† portrait of Catherine, but rather in his tendency to cast her down into the dirt-Catherine is a dependent, baby-manufacturing trap that stifles Lieutenant Henry: â€Å"Poor, poor dear Cat. And this was the price you paid for sleeping together. This was the end of the trap† (320). It is his penchant for sex and his need for womanly comfort that keeps Henry coming back to Catherine, not some notion of â€Å"love† or true connection. This is Hemingway’s misogyny, however unintentional, unmasked. But to get a true sense of this â€Å"anti-Fetterley† feminist view of the novel, it is important too look at the specifics of Hemingway’s construction of Catherine-facts that stand in direct opposition to Fetterley’s stated attacks. First of all, Catherine is not Fetterley’s unique and unattainable goddess-she is an object in Henry’s universe, a feast of sensations but nothing more. She is akin to good food and good drink: â€Å"‘I was made to eat. My God, yes. Eat and drink and sleep with Catherine'† (233). Indeed, Henry’s thoughts about Catherine, both when he is at the front or by her side, mingle with longings for good wine and reflections on sumptuous meals. In Henry’s world, a good Capri would be nice, a nice hunk of cheese would be grand, and sleeping with Catherine would be sublime. These things all equate to the satisfaction of basic human needs. Every now and then, Henry feels a grumbling in his loins-a periodic hunger for the â€Å"cheese† between Catherine’s legs. Hemingway dissolves Catherine into the least common denominator-the object, devoid of meaning or real importance (when Henry isn’t hungry). How can Catherine be an angel, as Fetterley claims, when she is merely an object, a small, rocklike satellite orbiting Planet Henry? This leads us to another aspect of Hemingway’s treatment of Catherine. In the novel, she is a completely dependent and subservient slave to Henry and his desires-she is placed firmly under his heel. This is evident from her dialogue: â€Å"‘I’m good. Aren’t I good? You don’t want any other girls, do you?†¦ You see? I’m good. I do what you want'† (106). Through her words, we get a sense that the only thing that concerns Catherine is the level of Henry’s satisfaction. She needs his approval; he is the beginning and end of her world. This dependency resurfaces many times in the novel. In Milan, Catherine works herself to the bone all day, so that she can have sex with Henry all night. Throughout this period, her greatest worry is that she doesn’t tack up to the girls that he has had in the past: â€Å"‘I’ll say just what you wish and I’ll do what you wish and then you will never want any other girls'† (105). When she is pregnant, her thoughts and concerns continue to center completely around Henry’s happiness: â€Å"‘But after she’s born and I’m thin again I’m going to cut it (her hair) and then I’ll be a fine new and different girl for you'† (304). Even during her long and arduous labor, Catherine’s single worry is that she is a burden on Henry: â€Å"‘Oh, I wanted so o have this baby and not make trouble, and now I’m all done and all gone to pieces and it doesn’t work'† (322). Fetterley might claim that this amounts to â€Å"selfless-love,† but I think this phrase gives Catherine (and Hemingway) too much credit. Catherine, as portrayed in the text, seems more like an obedient dog then a virtuous, unselfish being of light; she is like a mutt that serves its master because it has no one else and cannot survive on its own. By the end of the novel, Hemingway succeeds in portraying Catherine as both an object and a docile subject in Lieutenant Henry’s kingdom. This construction diminishes Catherine’s character and allows Henry (and Hemingway) to view her and the baby completely in terms of the burden they entail. They are a â€Å"trap†-flames that burn the log that â€Å"Henry the ant† scurries around on. This makes it much easier for Hemingway to kill off Catherine and wash Henry’s hands of all responsibility-the final pieces in his misogynistic puzzle. This harsh take is a more tenable alternative to Fetterley’s feminist attacks on the novel.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Ghana Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ghana - Essay Example The Mali realm rose back in the mid 1300. Moreover, it emerged from the greater Ghana Empire. However, due to external disputes and internal conflicts within the Ghana Empire and the eventual crumple of the Ghanaian Kingdom, the Mali Kingdom emerged with Sundiata being their leader (Conrad 13). This clearly depicts how Ghanaian began its superiority over the Malian realm. In fact, some historians deem Ghana to be the greatest kingdom in the early part of the 1300. Besides, civilization started in Ghana earlier than in Mali. In fact, civilization in Ghana began even before the arrival of the Europeans into Africa. Moreover, Ghana had started trading early, where they operated with other communities. Their trade items included gold, cloth and copper among others. Moreover, the regime imposed tax to the goldmines in the region (Conrad 14). Mali was still under Ghana Empire, and did little in terms of trade. As a result, the economic capacity of Ghana was far much better as compared to that of Mali, their counterparts. In the political aspect, Ghana had a well-organized system, with the Soninke people reigning over the Berbers. Moreover, the empire had captured a vast area and made it its kingdom. Mali was still under the Ghanaian Empire. The Ghanaian trade in gold had made the empire extremely powerful. Besides, the use of iron aided Ghana in creating weaponry for its territorial army. Furthermore, it was not until the Senegalese Almoravids intervention that capacitated the Malians to take over Ghana Kingdom (Conrad 14). In addition, the Ghana Empire was extensively rich. This mainly resulted from the expansive gold trade within the region. This distinct trade in gold made Ghana change it earlier name (Wagadugu) to its present Ghana (meaning gold land). This gave Ghana an advantage over its former territory, Mali (Conrad 16). However, the ancient Ghana is different from the contemporary Ghana. Besides, the Ghana kings controlled the gold trade

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Analysis of consequences for the consumer choice Essay

Analysis of consequences for the consumer choice - Essay Example The consumers can be rational or biased. The biased consumers are those, who make their decisions on the basis of their influenced directions. The influenced directions means the product that influences their decision making more without considering the key factors of usage may lead to biased decision. On the other hand, rational consumers are those who take decision after complete analysis of the situation and their decisions are logical and justified. Therefore, all of their decisions are also considered to be the best of their wisdom within provided options. Consumers are usually thought to be free of any undue pressure and all kinds of confusions. Therefore, their decisions are analyzed in the given circumstances. For this purpose, many theories and notions have been developed. The famous demand and supply curves are, probably, the best illustrations of these concepts. On the other hand, there are few other things as well, that cause the buyers to make a decision of consuming a c ertain product or service. These factors affect the purchase decisions of the buyers as well as the production decision of suppliers of the same product simultaneously because more sales mean high production and supply of goods in markets. Therefore, it can be said that these are the theories of both, demand and supply. Also, these provide about the decision making choices of both, the buyers and the producers as well. 2. Classical Consumer Theory Classical consumer theory revolves around the interrelationship between consumers’ choice based upon their desires and consumption expenditures. It means that a consumer, prior to making a decision about buying a certain product or service, is rationally concerned with the preference of his choice and the potential expenditure that is likely to be incurred through that decision (Hoyer and Maclnnis, 2008, pp. 32). This is because of the fact that, a rational decision making is based upon all the factors to be kept under consideration . This includes liking, disliking, utility, preferences and expenditures of that choice. However, this relationship is very important to illustrate the patterns of personal preferences, demand and supply curves as well as consumption. This kind of theories is best to ascertain the equilibrium between the likely expenses and preferences as far as the utility of the goods and service are concerned within specific budget limits. These budget constraints are those that drive their personal preferences in order to make a purchase or not. That is why it is said that these budget limits have a lot of weightage. There is another factor that is involved in this buying decision that is utility of a product of service. Greater the utility, more preferable it is. Therefore, as described above, the equilibrium between affordability, available funds for that product of service, preferences and desires are those things which make a decision possible on consumer’s part. On the other hand, gr eater the demand, more supply is likely to be made by the suppliers and manufacturers of the goods in order to earn maximum out of this situation. It is assumed, in this situation, whatever quantity a consumer wishes to buy is available in market. There is no shortage of goods or services that a consumer prefers and there is no shortfall at all (Jehle & Reny, 2009). 3. Framing Effect- Behavioural Economics Framing effect refers to the way a particular product or service is presented to the potential consumers. This is all about the perception how people get it. These are usually the sales and marketing campaigns of the businesses that create the image

Undecided Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 4

Undecided - Essay Example ysis will consider the core components that defined the way in which the system evolved and held on to power only to eventually decline as all systems are bound to do in one form or another. As a further function of such an analysis, it is the hope of this author that the reader will be able to gain some very clear insights as to the reasons why and ultimately how this power evolved and eventually declined as a means of providing key insights into the nature, growth, and decay that all forms of governance will ultimately experience over the course of time. With respect to the creation of Gaddafi’s modern Libya, this was fundamentally centered upon the fact that a highly tribalized Libya was not effectively governed by the monarchy that loosely held sway over the various and far flung groups that defined the Libyan state. Longing for a sense of purpose and sensing the fundamental shifts that decolonization had effected on neighboring regions within the Arab world, there was a strong sense of unease and dissatisfaction that pervaded the society of the time; making it ripe for systemic change. Sensing the weakness, Gaddafi and others were able to organize a coup with a core cabal of willing individuals that had formed key and strategic alliances with many of the tribes that constituted Libya (Hauslohner 39). A further human need that was seemingly sought to be recognized within the context of the revolution was the ability of the individual citizen to have a say with regards to the way in which government undertook the process of governance. This right to self-determination has long been a central and key role in undermining existing systems of government; however, as was seen in the case of Libya, the extent to which this self-determination was ultimately realized was quite limited. As a means of creating the power that could seek to congeal this non-uniform and highly tribalized representation of a nation into a single unit, a unique coalescence of Islamic

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Linear Programming essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Linear Programming - Essay Example The applications of linear programming span providing solutions to problems involving economics, computer science, and practically any other industry that requires a production schedule or an actual scheduling process. Moreover, the optimizing feature of linear programming makes it a necessity for people in the management circle to be familiar with. Simplex algorithm A linear programming model is typically solved using a simplex algorithm, or sometimes also referred to as the linear solver (Powell & Baker, 2010). The simplex algorithm involves a series of steps which employs the use of slack and basic variables to change the inequality constraints to equations so that the derived system of equations may be solved to find a feasible solution area. The extreme points of this feasible solution area are then tested by plugging them in to the objective function in order to find out which gives the optimal solution (Singiresu, 2009). Linear Programming Models There are a number of models t hat may be used to generate the solution to a linear programming model. ... Such models are generally used in manufacturing companies or supply chain networks. Another kind of linear programming model involves the blending of a number of resources to produce desired results, hence the term blending model (Baker, 2011). A typical example of this model is the â€Å"diet problem† wherein one aims to find the optimum mix of food products that will produce the maximum nutritional value. The covering model of linear programming is quite different from the first two models in such that it aims to minimize the objective function and is presented with â€Å"greater than constraints† (Powell & Baker, 2010, p. 79). This model is commonly used when minimizing a cost function and requiring the contributions to be greater than a particular value. Finally, the network model is quite unique in nature as it â€Å"describes configurations of flow in a connected system† (Baker, 2011, p. 71). Typically, a network model would require the use of a diagram whi ch aids in the finding of the optimal solution of a given problem. In all these types of linear programming models, spreadsheets may be used to provide assistance in finding the optimal solution. Excel has a built in Solver application which allows the user to simply input the coefficients of the objective function and constraints, and automatically generates values for the feasible region and the corresponding optimal solution. Sensitivity Analysis It should be noted that the task is not yet done when the optimal solution is found. It is also necessary to conduct a corresponding sensitivity analysis on the solution generated. Sensitivity analysis provides information on how instantaneous changes in the parameters of the problem would affect the optimal solution

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Treats design as art Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Treats design as art - Assignment Example She emphasizes that in the contemporary times, designs need to be evolved to incorporate the important issues and compulsions of the times. The recessive economy, environment and sustainability of resources are vital issues where the designing of objects could make a significant impact. She says that designers are creative and have the ability to effectively use any material to make a difference to the world. She has accurately summed up the role of designers as the ‘biggest synthesizer in the world who (excels) in synthesizing the human needs’. Indeed, there design, sometimes may not be understood but the wider ramifications of those designs on the contemporary issues give them the necessary impetus to continue with their work. She concludes her talk by exhorting the designers to let go of their creativity in a way where they can visualize at different scales. She declares that design is not only aesthetic but it also serves the humanity through innovative input that facilitates to meet the challenges of the time. (272

Monday, September 23, 2019

NIVEA Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

NIVEA - Case Study Example optimization, it is important for the company to ensure that its budget is well allocated so that it can effectively meet its objectives in meeting the objectives outlined in its marketing mix (Jaccard 2013). This includes ensuring that besides achievement of the objectives, it should have a good and reliable supply chain for delivering the products to markets at the most convenient times as needed by the customers. Having made a good household brand, it is the company’s duty to ensure that it consolidates on its management and marketing strategies to consolidate its market share in the increasingly competitive world. With proper planning, Nivea Company can manage to rely on the success of this brand by creating and implementing growth and development strategies (Nivea Visage Young 2015). One of the ways to achieve this goal will be a consistent market research, which will ensure that the company understands knows new competitors emerging in the market as well as their competitive strategies (Jaccard 2013). In this regard, Nivea Company will be better placed to develop counter approaches that will ensure that it retains its market share and competitive advantage. Another important approach that the company will have to implement includes understanding methods of employee satisfaction, which will ensure that it has a pool of highly dedicated employees, who can discharge their duties in the interest of the company (Nivea Visage Young 2015). This is because, in many instances, the success of a company does not just rely on the best and innovative strategies that it develops but rather, it is their full implementation. Having the best and productive staff is as good as having monopoly over an essential resource in the industry, thus excellent company success. As the company heads in the future, its managers have a duty to ensure that they develop growth strategies ad systems that will cement its position as the market leader in the industry. According to Jaccard

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Commandment Relation to Christ-like Love Essay Example for Free

Commandment Relation to Christ-like Love Essay The commandment I choose which displays three types of Christ-like love is the 8th commandment, Thou shall not steal. The first type of Christ-like love that the commandment Thou shall not steal displays is desiring what is the best for others. Stealing is something that is very wrong. For example, if someone is angry at someone, they might express their anger by stealing their belongings. This is not right. Someone can just approach the person they are angry at, and tell them how they feel about the situation. This is much better for others instead of stealing. The second type of Christ-like love that the commandment Thou shall not steal displays is that it is an emotion and decision. Stealing is a decision that is made when people go through various types of emotions. Some emotions include anger, frustration, mad, stressed, etc. When someone feels like this, they might feel like stealing someones belongings . By making the decision not to steal, it will make someone feel a different type of emotion. They will feel proud because they know that they are doing the right decision instead of doing something bad. Nevertheless, this is why the commandment Thou shall not steal is an emotion and decision. The third type of Christ-like love that the commandment Thou shall not steal displays is walking away from harm. Depending on what is stolen, it can be considered a crime. Nevertheless, anytime of stealing is wrong, no matter how valuable the item is. For example, if someone stole a top from The Gap store, it is considered a crime. In addition to this wrong crime, if someone steals a pencil from a teachers desk it is just as wrong. Even though the pencil isnt as valuable as a top, any type of stealing causes harm. When walking away from this, it saves harm for both the stealer and the victim. Both people will not be involved in any type of stealing situation when showing the Christ-like love of walking away from harm.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

International Business And Organizational Factors Apple Inc Smartphones

International Business And Organizational Factors Apple Inc Smartphones Global marketing is perhaps one of the most significant factors in todays business world since it has made tremendous changes in the way the business is carried out around the world. Globalization and international business have been central to the developments and radical changes in the recent years and it has deeply affected people, management processes, business and economy. A large number of companies went global to utilize marketing opportunities for the realization of their business potential by successfully establishing sustainable competitive advantages and better marketing position where as many firms have failed in their international expansion efforts as they didnt heed the basic tenets ingrained in the critical business environments. In todays increasingly competitive and international free market economy contexts, transnational exchanging of technology, infrastructure and demographic movement have become increasingly important (Johnson and Turner, 2003, p. 1). The ultimate outcome of this growing importance of international business is that a customer, no matter whether he lives in Europe, Asia, Africa or Australia, will be familiar with a large number of world-class brands like Apple, Cadbury, Coca-cola, Dell, Ford, HP, Nestle, Nokia, Toyota and so on. The effect of globalization is that new brands are seemingly born global, For this research paper, Apple Inc- specifically its Smartphone sector- has been chosen to conduct detailed analysis on the literature related to the international business and organizational factors. This research paper presents an analysis on internal and external environment of the chosen organization- Apple Inc and examines its strategies for international marketing in terms of effectiveness and usefulness for its international operation. International Business: The case of Apple Inc Apple inc, founded by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne in the 1970s is one of the most internationally influential and highly successful companies of today. It is an American multinational company that designs, makes and markets PCs, portable music players, cell phones, software, computer peripheral and services. It markets through its own retailing, online stores and third party sellers (Sander and Slatter, 2009, p. 81, Linzmayer, 2004). Apple was the first mainstream marketer for personal computers and is still an important market player worldwide and it has become a niche player by setting the pace for ease of use, innovative design and customer loyalty. Apples story is that one off-hobby machines that a most talented electronic expert made for himself has eventually become the core of the global marketing of one of the most successful companies of all times (OGrady, 2008, p. 1) Most of high tech companies focused only on a particular line of product whereas Apple made it different that it manufactured personal computer, created an operating system that can run in it and designed various application and software programs that fits it, and more over discovered and established market for digital music players and Smartphone. Apple is not confined in a particular market; instead, it plays significant roles in various high competitive markets like PC, software, operating system, digital music player and Smartphone. With innovative design and product differentiation strategy, it has so far produced a number of various unique products including iMac, iLife, iTunes, iPad, iPod, iPhone and 3G iPhones. Apple is better known for its wise and visionary strategic thinking that has helped it overcome marketing and competitive issues. For instance, when it experienced significant financial loss of around $45 million in 2002, Apples visionary management took effective competitive strategies that could help it stay strong in the market. The strategic thinking of Apples management has always guided it to create a focal point for decision making to help it protect the organization from the ambiguous and uncertain situations (Walker, 2003, p. 4). Apples recent developments -iPhone and 3G iPhone- became some of the most discussed new technology outcomes of the recent generation throughout the world. Its strategies of ease of use, simplicity, efficiency and fun are the major factors that helped it make its Smart phones seem to be different species than that of its competitors (Newsweek, 2007) Tilmann (2010) reported that Apples share in the worldwide PC market is constantly increasing. It has become the fifth largest PC seller in the US market for the first quarter of 2010, shipping 1,398 milion Macs computer machines. Apple is the seventh largest cell phone marketer, holding 2.7% market share in the worldwide cell phone markets, having a 112.2% increase in mobile devise sales. Apple is the third largest Smartphone marketer in the world during the first quarter of 2010. (Gartner, 2010) Apple is going to release its iPhone OS and therefore it is expected that second quarter of 2010 will be a very important one for Apple (Gartner, 2010). Apple is spending huge on RD in order to provide its customers with products and services, made up of latest technology and innovation, with supreme quality and reliability. Carson (2008) reported that more than 500 million subscribers were offered a legitimate iPhone deal in the beginning of 2008, with a target of big gains from its international marketing. The launch of iPhone had thus created a massive global footprint. Apples international marketing of iPhone has been first channeled through SingTel of Singapore, Bharti Airtel of India, Globe Telephones of Philippines and Optus of Australia, adding 100 million potential customers to its brand. International marketing has been highly significant for Apple in recent years. Its global sale of PCs and digital music players have contributed major share of its total revenues. For instance, Apple posted revenue of $9.6 billion and a net quarterly profit of $ 1.6 billion in the first quarter of 2008, showing a gross margin of 34.7% from the 31.2% figure of the year of gross profit. International sales accounted for 45% of its total revenues (OGrady, 2008, 162). International Business Environment of Apple Inc This section of the research paper analyzes micro and macro environments of Apples international business. The SWOT analysis and PESTEL analysis are considered in this section to analyze international business environments both micro and macro levels. SWOT analysis of Apple Inc Analyzing both internal and external environments is vital in strategic planning because it can help management take decisive actions regarding resources allocation, measuring efficiency of operation and evaluating the productivity of employees. SWOT is a very useful technique for analyzing both micro and macro environments of a firm drawing together key strengths and weaknesses as presented internal (micro) analysis and opportunities and threats as presented external (macro) analysis (Beamish and Ashford, 2007, p. 42). Internal Environment: Strengths According to Datamonitors (2010) report, Apples total revenue has been increased to the highest record figure of $ 42,905 million in 2008 from 2007 total revenue of $24,578 million. This growth shows that its annual growth rate is 32.15% which is an outranking performance as compared to many other firms playing in the same market. Apple has very recently reported that its financial performance for the 2010 first quarter has been increased to $15.68 billion (Apple.com). When it comes to its focus on innovation, technology and RD, it is obvious that its focus on RD and its thrive on innovation has been a critical factor behind its success. Its RD spending for 2009 only was accounted to be $1,333 million (Datamonitor, 2010). Apple is highly rewarded for its unique brand success and brand loyalty. Datamonitor (2010) reported that Apples brand image has been im porved to the 20th position in 2009 from the 24th position of 2008 and 35th position of 2007. With a number of unique names, Apples products like iTunes, iLife, iMac, iPad and iPhone are not attributable to any brand other than Apple. This brand image and loyalty remains to be its major strength in its international markets. Internal Analysis: Weaknesses Design and manufacturing defects are major risks that many high tech electronic companies often face from its corporate customers and end users. As Apple is dealing with innovative products and advanced technology, any defects in its products can adversely affect its international business. For instance, Apple faced risks of defects with Ultracompact USB in 2008 causing it to exchange every components for new redesigned adapters (Datamonitor, 2010). Similarly, patent infringement seems to another risk, as common for high tech and Multinationals. In 2007 alone, Apple had to spend huge amount only for defending more than 47 patent infringement cases (Datamonitor, 2010). External Environment: Opportunities When it comes to Apples international business, the main opportunity that it enjoys is its growing market-share Apples Smartphone. It is still expected to grow further in the years to come. Apples Smartphone market has been valued as 15% of the total mobile market of 2009. It is estimated that Apples Smartphone market is likely to account 35% of the worldwide mobile market in 2012. Apart from this, touch screen device has been a trend among customers that in turn will be another opportunity for Apple in its global marketing (Datamonitor, 2010) Apples mobile PC is another species that recently attracted greater number of customers. The market for mobile PCs also is expected to increase in the coming years. Apples mobile PCs sales have been found to be increased by 15% in 2009. Both Smartphone and mobile PCs give greater opportunities for Apple and therefore it can grab the slices of these emerging hot markets by further enhancing quality, diversity, technology, innovation and designs. External Environment: Threats Self reliance for components is always a positive point for a manufacturer especially when it goes global. As far as Apples case is concerned, it is depending on third party components like DRAM, NAND and flat panel displays, that in turn not only bring chances of causing cost disadvantages but also raises issues of liabilities and components defects (Datamonitor, 2010). The competition in the worldwide market for PCs, software, digital music players and cell-phones is extremely rigorous. Apple is playing in such an environment where large multinationals like HP, Dell, Acer, Microsoft, Nokia, Fujitsu, Sony Ericsson are major competitors and going head on head with them is extremely challenging. PEST analysis of Apple Inc A better organization is one, which easily gets accustomed with changing business contexts. Changing business environments can be evaluated and understood only if effective analysis can be carried out. PEST analysis is an invaluable tool for analyzing external (macro) environment of a firm including competitors, suppliers and customers. PEST analysis divides a firms overall environments in to four, political, economic, social and technological (Gregory, 2000, p. 49). Apples external environments are detailed below: Political Environment Shenkar and Luo (2004) emphasized that the political processes faced by an MNE, let it be compliance, evasion, negotiation, cooperation and coalition building, are more difficult and problematic than that in domestic operation. It is mainly because; the number of political constituencies including government, union, political parties and interested groups are multiplied in international business environments (p. 175). As far as Apples case is concerned, its marketing in countries like China, India and other Asian countries are more likely to be affected by any changes in political and government policies can have significant impact on its business. Economic Environment When Apple chooses a specific entry mode to enter in to a country, it has to consider a number of economic and other factors. Economic factors in other countries like financial strength, exchange rate fluctuations, Foreign direct investment and related policies and other economic variables can also have significant influence on Apples international business. The growth of Apples market share in Smartphone and other sectors shows that it has been less affected by the worst financial downturn of the recent years as compared to other firms. Social Environment The significance of social and cultural factors to a firms international business cannot be overestimated. Consumers worldwide tend to become more attracted to Smartphone and touch screen devices. Even though the general social factors are positive for Apples Smartphone market in other countries, various other social factors like attitude towards foreign products, cultural entities and social values can up to an extent create challenges on its business (Shenkar and Luo, 2004, p. 150). Technological Environment Apples relentless focus on technology and innovation is its major strength that helps it gain better competitive advantages. Apples technology is its another positive factor because people worldwide tends to embrace latest technology quicker. Apple is introducing its 4G iPhone which is now expected to gain good sales across other countries as well. International Strategies of Apple Inc This part of the research paper relates to the major international business strategies of Apple inc. Apple strategies Innovative product design, Brand loyalty, Own store strategy and education sales are detailed below. Its strategies like complete solution and Product differentiation are intentionally omitted because, the specified sector for the research is Apples Smartphone sector. Innovative Design strategy Apples products like iPod and iPhone became widely known for its excellence in innovative product design and development. Apple was not a technology follower until 1990s. Steve Jobs realized that technology creation is critical to stay for long in a market and thence he made significant changes of Apples products lines after 1997 (Betz, 2002, p. 194- 195). This is how Apple has eventually become a technology creator and now created success stories of iPhone throughout its worldwide markets. When companies like HP and other players in hardware and software markets focused on lower costs and high volume sales, Apple focused on technology and product differentiation (Hoskisson, Hitt and Irelandl, 2008, p. 133). Apples international business is committed to bring high quality mobile communication, digital music players and video experience to its worldwide customers. Its business strategy is its effort to design and develop its own hardware products like iPhone with its own software, ease of use and innovative design being its major features (Apple Annual Report, 2009). Brand Loyalty Strategy Apple brand is one of the strongest in todays international market. A number of products like iPad, iPhone, iMac, iLife, iTunes and iDvd are clearly positioned in customers mind with Apple brand. Its strategy to design and develop innovative products have been closely related with its digital hub and thus to have gained a unique successful brand position among its customers. Apples brand personality is created with an emphasis on emotion, touching customers lifestyle, imagination, innovation, dream and aspiration (marketingminds.com). Apples brand is likely to change the lifestyle the people listen music, use mobile for communication and music needs etc (Cuneo, 2003). According to Keates and Clarkson (2003) Apples strong brand image and its loyalty only were the factors that saved Apple from being fully wiped out form the market when its managerial mistakes caused it to be closer to be bankrupted in 1990s (p. 43). When it comes to the brand positioning, Apple gains 50%. ADWEEKs (2009) study concluded that some customers are found that they couldnt live without Apples brand as it is highly inspiring to them. Readers brand choice was 50% Apple, 26% Google and 4% Starbucks (Brand of the Decade, 2009). Apples own store strategy Apple has been creating its own stores for the international marketing of its products including its Smartphone. Apart from online selling and third part sales force, Apple has used own store as a strategy for enhancing better distribution and by facilitating its customers enjoy music and other products and services. Its own stores are friendly places where customers have easy access to play and experience new technologies (insidecrm.com). Apple opened 34 its own stores in 2005 for a total of 135 and dramatically its international business by opening stores in Canada, three stores in UK and in Japan as well (OGrady, 2008, p. 129). Its own store strategy helps it gain more customers, attract them towards its products and technologies, provide better direct services and collect more accurate information from its customers. Education Sales Apples another strategy for its international business was education sale by focusing on selling its products and services to schools and universities and thus to spread its technology to the new generations. Students by seeing Apple products at schools or colleges become highly attracted to using or owning one for them and this is how Apple has been using education sale strategy for its marketing (insidecrm.com). Effectiveness of Apples Strategies This section of the research paper uses Porters generic Strategy (given in the appendix) to determine the effectiveness and success of Apples international business, mainly focusing its Smartphone market. The attractiveness of the firm and its position in industry are major factors that determine effectiveness. Apples case shows that it has been able to boost its market share for Smartphone in recent years. According to Porters generic strategy, cost advantage and differentiation are two major factors that determine strength of a firm. Apple has remained far positive with its market shares and larger number of shipping, and when considering Smartphone market, the market share was highly impressive. Apples RD is its main power that is a critical factor behind its differentiation; innovative design and technology focus strategies as well. Apart from its differentiation strategy, the major points to look at are 1) brand loyalty and 2) its iPhone buzz across the world. These both are major success factors of Apple Inc. Brand loyalty remains to be a strong advantage because it can help the company stay very strong in its international market. Similarly, the iPhone buzz throughout the world also has been a success factor that shows how far Apple has been gaining the international business and competitive advantages. Evaluative Conclusion and Recommendations Apart from the above-discussed Apples strategies, this part of the research paper recommends Customization facility and direct marketing as other two important strategies for Apple. Customers are different in tastes, requirements and lifestyles. They require different products at different features. A customer may require an iPhone with camera facility whereas the other may require it with additional inbuilt memory to store more songs. It goes like it. By facilitating customization, customers will be able to access Apple website, design their own products, select features for it, add specifications and finally order the goods. It will not only help increase the number of its customers, but also add more customer loyalty and satisfaction as well. Secondly, I would recommend that Direct marketing, by directly selling its products to the international customer, will be helpful to reduce middlemen costs and extra inventory handling too. It will help the company to make its products ultimately cheaper to the customers This research paper has highlighted the literature related to the Apples international business, mainly regarding it Smartphone sector. The paper has presented detailed analysis on the micro and macro analysis of Apples international business environment by using appropriate tools of SWOT and PEST analysis. The international business strategies of Apple are detailed in this paper, drawing the effectiveness of its strategies and operation.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Marketing Plan On Frasers Hill In Pahang State Tourism Essay

Marketing Plan On Frasers Hill In Pahang State Tourism Essay Malaysia is a country in South-East Asia, located on a peninsula of the Asian shares a border with Thailand. In an effort to diversify the economy and make Malaysias economy less dependent on exports the government has pushed to increase tourism in Malaysia. Malaysia has become third largest source of income from foreign exchange,  ¹ and accounted for 7% of Malaysias economy as of 2005.  ² As of 2009, Malaysia ranks 9th among the top most visited countries in the world, after Germany. There are several tropical islands in Malaysia; some have been voted the most beautiful in the world. The islands in Malaysia are: Labuan , Langkawi, Pangkor, Penang Island, the western half of Penang, which is heavily industrialised, Redang Island, Tunku Abdul Rahman National Park, Perhentian Islands, Kapas Island, Lang Tengah Island and Sipadan Beside tropical islands, Malaysia has several national parks and nature reserves. The national parks and nature reserves are: Bako National Park, Sarawak famed for its wildlife, especially bearded pigs and proboscis monkeys, Batang Ai National Park, Sarawak, Gunung Mulu National Park, Sarawak, Gunung Gading National Park, Sarawak, Lambir Hills National Park, Sarawak, Niah Caves National Park, Sarawak, Loagan Bunut National Park, Sarawak, Kinabalu National Park, Sabah home of 4100 metre peak Mount Kinabalu, Taman Negara National Park the self-proclaimed Worlds Oldest Rainforest, spanning Kelantan, Pahang and Terengganu, Endau Rompin National Park, Johor. Source: Place of interest of Frasers Hill (http://malaysiabudgethotel.com/destinations/pahang/fraser-hill.html) Executive Summary Frasers Hill Its name derives from Louis James Fraser, a solitary Scottish pioneer, who setup a tin ore trading post in the 1980s ³. Later it was turned into one of the tourist attractions in Malaysia. Location Frasers Hill includes seven peaks and is located at the altitudes between 1,220 and 1,525 meters above sea level. Year round temperatures are between 17 °C 25 °C. The resort is situated 64.6 miles from the capital city, Kuala Lumpur. At the foot of the steep ascent, at an altitude of only 800m, is The Gap, where a colonial rest house remains open. Then winding 8km single track road up from The Gap is open in alternate directions each hour; the drive takes 30 minutes. Some visitors prefer to walk up, spotting birds and enjoying the noticeable fall in temperature4. A new alternative road was opened in 2001, but from time to time this is closed due to landslides5. Place of interest Golfing The first golf course in Malaysia is constructed on Frasers Hill in 1925. The 9-hole course was built on former tin mines. Then 18-hole course was added at Jeriau, abot 3km from the main town in the 1970s. Source: Frasers Hill Golf (ttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Frasers_Hill_Golf_Course.JPG) Bird watching Bird watching at Frasers Hill is a notable centre. The hill has over 270 species of local and migratory bird flocking here together. Each year the Annual International Bird Race is held in the second weekend of June, organized by the Frasers Hill Development Corporation in collaboration with WWF-Malaysia and the Malaysian Nature Society. Participants throughout the world converging on the hill station in a team competition. They need to identify and record the highest number of species of birds stated in the official check list. Other Place of interest In Frasers Hill, there are many more place of interest such as Clock Tower, Jeriau Waterfalls, hiking at Hemmant Trail, Bishops Trail, and Pine Tree Trail and Tennis. Situation Analysis Frasers Hill has become popular and growing in the 60s and 70s, and now it has gradually it reaching maturity and moving toward the decline stage. Frasers Hill seem not been well perceived by the locals and foreign tourist in recent years. The arrival of the tourist and occupancy rates of hotels and resorts have decline in recent years. The tourism industry players have brought this problem to the federal government. Source: product life cycle: Frasers Hill (http://www.quickmba.com/marketing/product/lifecycle/) To analyze the environment of Frasers Hill, let use the SWOT analysis to analyze. SWOT analysis Strength Frasers Hill has its beauty of it. It surrounding by green, forest, cool and fresh air. It gives people peace of mind and also its cool and invigorating weather throughout the year. Since Frasers Hill was established by Birtish, it has been built up with some British design of chalets and hotels. Therefore this will enhance the British image in Frasers Hill which can bring people an image of little Britain as an attraction for tourist to visit this place. This could let the people who had been to Britain get the feel and people who never been to Britain to get the feel of how Britain is. Opportunities This could be the best reason to attract more visitors then it could gain its market share. The natural greenery, forest walks, fresh air and exotic flower landscape is the main attraction for tourism. There are potential to popularise Frasers Hill as more and more people are aware of staying near to nature. Weakness The major problem is the road condition to Frasers Hill only single track road. Even though new track has been built but it was not usable due to landslide has deter local and foreign tourist to visit Frasers Hill. To overcome this problem, the road should be rebuilt or modified to become two track roads which allow more traffic go up to the hill and come down of the hill. Other weakness is that there are not many activities going on in Frasers Hill. The local and foreign tourist especially the younger generation find Frasers Hill have become boring and no excitement at all. Threats As the decline of the Frasers Hill attraction, this could result to deter the development of Frasers Hill to become an attraction place of interest. This cause the tourist arrival rate has declined, accommodation sector in Frasers Hill has running low. This is mainly due to lack of critical mass for Frasers Hill, which ahs caused the tourism industry players such as the hotel and resort operates unable to operate at economical or sustainable level. This causes some of the restaurant and hawker operators in Frasers Hill operate their business on weekend and school or public holidays only as this is not economical and profitable to sustain the business during weekdays low season periods. Furthermore, site enquiries also revealed that most of them run the businesses on part-time basis and this could cause limited supply and variety of fine dining offer at Frasers Hill. Objective Setting Company Mission Frasers Hill development mission is to bring back the attraction of the resort to local and foreign tourist. It aims to fill up the vacancy of accommodation sector in Frasers Hill. This could allow the tourism industry to operate at economical and sustainable manner. Marketing Objectives Specific objectives to bring back the attraction and popularisation of Frasers Hill and to popularise the International Bird Race held every second week of June each year. This Frasers Hill International Bird Race is actually a fun event where human participants and nature lovers, from Malaysia and overseas, will outdo each other to sight, identify and record the most number of bird species within a set time frame and location in this cool highlands. Achievable As Frasers Hill currently loss it popularity and attraction, therefore it would need some campaign to bring the awareness of this hill resort to local and foreign tourist. It could be achievable to promote it attraction in Tourism Malaysia Board and also during the MATA fair. Time Frasers Hill has lost it popularity for sometime, there for it would need some time to recover and accepted as one of the attraction by the local and foreign tourist. It would take one to two years for it to develop. Strategy Development Choice of growth strategy to analyse Frasers Hill are using Ansoff Matrix. Source: Ansoff Matrix (www.tutor2u.net/business/strategy/ansoff_matrix.htm) Below are strategy development suggestions to achieve Frasers Hill mission. Market Penetration By applying market penetration, modifying the image of Frasers Hill could bring some fresh changes and attraction to the tourist. This would not divert to different direction or market but make it more interesting and maintain its score beauty. Market Development Market development are use to enter into new market. Frasers Hill has its market; they are target to company weekend break, family gathering, seasonality tourism holidays, school and industrial holidays. It could also attract those younger generation who like sports, like hill climbing, rock climbing, jungle trekking, and bird watching and get to know types of flora and fauna. Based of these two strategies, Frasers Hill not only maintain and keeping the existing customers but also able to attract younger generation to come over to visit, who are now willing to spend time with the families for relax and recreation. The also create awareness of the younger generation to get closer to nature. Marketing Mix Now, we would use tactic to make them work. We can have a short term plan to inform or create awareness to new market especially about the change we are now. We can create awareness by doing advertisement or advertorial in most popular local newspapers, travel magazines to inform changes we had made or what are our attractions again. Meanwhile we can have some promotion like free breakfast for 2 nights stay etc. The tactical applications are: Product Frasers Hill is a product that is profitable. It is a tourist attraction place for foreigners as well as local people and weekday long-stay guest. This could be the proposed plan for Malaysia Second Home Programme. Price The price is varies according to accommodation provided by different tenants. Having a discussion meeting with those tenants not to charger higher price as compare to Genting Highland or especially to Cameron Highland who is our competitor. Place Frasers Hill is located at a very suitable place with cool weather throughout the year. It is between 1,220 and 1,525 meters above sea level and year round temperatures are between 17 °C 25 °C. As Malaysia is a hot year round country, therefore is a benefit for tourist to chill at the hill resort. Promotion Create some promotion activities such package with accommodation and jungle activities organisation in for a group and jungle trekking for individual. Such as accommodation package stay of 3 days inclusive free breakfast or accommodation package stay inclusive of activities and meals. Frasers Hill could implement strategic alliance with bus company to have a direct transport from big city such as Kuala Lumpur to travel to Frasers Hill, this could save lots of trouble for people who would to go to Frasers Hill without any transport. It could also work well to foreigners who come to visit Frasers Hill. This could save the tourist hassle to look for transportation arrangement People People play a crucial role in the tourism sector especial Frasers Hill. Expertise with knowledge of Frasers Hill is crucial as it would be the main source of information delivered to the tourist. Local people living in the surround area are important as well. They would provide the history and development of Frasers Hill as they see it develop from the early age. As people who work in the resort or recreation park will need to gain product and service knowledge of Frasers Hill surrounding area as they would need to recommend to the tourists the attraction, activities and position of each attraction. Process In order to provide a good customer service, the people of the organisation should be trained but also it is important to have an efficient and effective order process and procedure. An intranet should be installed so that all the relevant departments are able to access to it and response to whatever inquiry or problem that may encounter. Service feature are important to improve Frasers Hill as a tourism attraction. Investment to improve the infrastructures, internet connection, telecommunication and interactive information on Frasers Hill need to be accurate and informative. Accessibility of information and location of Frasers Hill need to be easily accessible. Map and travelling would be a very great help to assist the tourist to reach their destination without any trouble. Physical evidence Physical evidence is important as Frasers Hill is a kind of service to our customer. Hence website design, the ambience has to carry its tagline, objectives and vision i.e. to be a little Britain. The total ambience has to carry English image, design and slogan. The website should always carry it tagline like McDonald Im lovin it. This will project a full image of what Frasers hill is to all customers. Frasers Hill surrounding areas should be clearly noticeable and attractive to the tourist as this would be a first impression to the tourist. Tree and grass need to be trim if it has become obstacle to the beauty of Frasers Hill. Appearance of staff working in Frasers Hill need to be as helpful, friendly, easy going, clean and fresh facial appearance, excellent customer service and excellent communication skills. It will bring an excellent image of Frasers Hill to the tourist. Leaflet and brochure information of Frasers Hill are accurately printed at actual time (latest information) and actual map with clear instruction or information so tourist could refer to it easily. Frasers Hill would need to invest to create a good website to introduce it place where tourist can easily get information without any hassle. Information are keep up to date with it current weather condition and temperature can be easily found. Action and implementation Action The above marketing strategy and tactics need to turn into action plans. No matter how good is the strategy or tactics been set, it would not be in place if we do not have to appropriate people to make it happen. It will not help at all. Hence research on information about Frasers Hill need to be updated. Latest photo of Frasers Hill should be update so it looks attractive and feel good when the tourist look at it. For employees who work in the resort or hotel, training is require, a clear vision and objective need to inform all employees in order for them to carryout their job well and bring excellent service to tourists. Some plan need to be outsourced because Frasers Hill may lack of expertise on it field such are marketing, advertisement, and training. By outsourcing, it would proof the efficiency and effectiveness of promoting Frasers Hill to regain it glory and well know to local and foreign tourist. Advertisement need to plan in advance according to it budget. As Frasers Hill are not doing so well now it would need to advertise it within it budget. Frasers Hill will not choose to advertise on the media as it is a very expensive cost to advertise. There are other options for it to advertise. It could advertise with local travel agents, leaflet, website, and hospitality, Tourism Board Malaysia, MAS Airlines, Air Asia, and sponsoring of golf tournament. By this mean of advertising, it will help Frasers Hill to promote and reach out to people about it location and attraction. Implementation Implementation of marketing plan includes three activities: Allocating tasks and responsibility Once a specific plan has in place, then the next steps is to allocate the tasks and responsibility. As for Frasers Hill; Advertisement is the responsibility of it marketing people to draw up an appropriate concept to bring the message to the tourist. Training is the responsibility of it human resources people to train the employees with the latest information about the surrounding area and attraction place. Operations Day to day job to maintain Frasers Hill operations would be taken care by it Operations Manager to make sure that every area are cover and operate efficiently. Communication Public relations are very important. Therefore, communication with the public, media and journalist is very important as it will bring a great impact on Frasers Hill re-launch it present as an attraction to the people. Scheduling of marketing activities Below is the Gantt chart for Frasers Hill project schedule 2010/11. This project will take 7 months for it initial planning. Research for improvement will take place for one and half month from September to mid-October 2010. Then follow by the strategy planning which will take place for one and half month from October to mid-November 2010. The marketing will start at the end of October to end of November 2010. Then the advertising will be running for longer period from December 2010 until February 2011. This will takes three months to advertise Frasers Hill. Then training will be held for two months from February 2011 till March 2011. This would give a proper view and time management on how the project will be able to execute successfully and this prevent any wastage cost. Gantt chart Frasers Hill Project Schedule 2010/11 Setting the marketing budget As Frasers Hills have not been doing well, there the cash flow will be very thing. The method of budget will be percentage of it sales (as the sales figure are unavailable), the other options will be based on historical budgetary records. It would be estimate the budget for this advertisement would approximately  £15,000. Monitoring and Control Once the marketing plan starts to be implemented, the next task of management is to monitor and control what goes on. Monitoring This is to check that everything is going according to plan and according to time set as in the Gantt chart. As this is an ongoing project, the key performance indicator will be evaluating to check how far the progress of the plan is. Control Control means taking corrective actions as early as possible if things are not going according to plan. After all these advertisement planning, implementation and training, we need to monitor the progress, and control from time to time. So that, the initial stage of the plan would not go far away from the objectives. There are few option of control can be down such as benchmarking, balanced-scorecard, the marketing audit, profitability control and sales control. The best method of control is the benchmarking method. Benchmarking This is the process of comparing the Frasers Hill products and services and processes to those of competitors such as Cameron Highlands to find ways to improve quality and performance. Appendix SOSTAC Model SOSTAC is summarizing the main steps of strategy marketing by Paul R.Smith (1990). Situation Analysis is looking at analysing where we are now using SWOT analysis, PEST analysis, Marketing Mix or Competitive Position. Objective is looking at where we want to go using Ashridge Mission model, 5Ps model or SMART. Strategy is looking at how we going to get there using market segmentation or positioning. Tactics is looking at some details of the strategy using Tools communication. Actions are looking at implementation putting the plan to work using Action plan, RACI model, CSF or KPIs. Control is track progress through measuring, monitoring, reviewing, updating and modifying using compare performance management or balance scorecard.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Listeria monocytogenes Essay -- Essays Papers

Listeria monocytogenes Introduction Listeria monocytogenes, a motile, gram-positive rod, is an opportunistic food-borne pathogen capable of causing listeriosis in humans. Listeriosis includes manifestations of septicemia, meningitis, pneumonia, and encephalitis. L. monocytogenes is also implicated in miscarriages, stillbirth, and premature birth for pregnant women. L. monocytogenes is a tough bacterium resistant to freezing, drying, and heat; most strains have been shown to be pathogenic. It is hypothesized that 1-10% of humans are intestinal carriers of L. monocytogenes. Over 37 mammalian species, including wild and domestic animals, are capable of L. monocytogenes infection and transmission. Extensive environmental reservoirs for L. monocytogenes include soil, water, vegetation, sewage, silage, and the intestinal tract of various animals. Encounter: L. monocytogenes is transmitted by ingestion of contaminated food or water. The bacterium is associated with raw milk, cheeses, (particularly soft varieties) ice cream, raw vegetables, fermented raw-meat sausages, raw and cooked poultry, raw meats, and raw and smoked fish. It is capable of growing at temperatures as low as 3Â °C allowing multiplication in refrigerated foods, making L. monocytogenes infection particularly hard to avoid. The infective dose has not been determined, but is believed to vary with the susceptibility of the individual. It may be less than 1000 bacterium in the immuno-compromised individual. Entry, Multiplication, and Spread: L. monocytogenes initially gains access to the body through the gastrointestinal tract but is capable of infecting the blood through monocytes, macrophages and polymorphonuclear leukocytes. The bacterium is also capable of infe... ...s system involvement, the elderly and in persons with other serious medical problems. Worldwide: Approximately 2,500 cases of listeriosis are reported every year in the United States. This includes 500 preventable deaths. L. monocytogenes outbreaks are still occurring worldwide. Recently, in 2002 contaminated turkey deli meat caused a US outbreak along the east coast and contaminated cheese caused an outbreak in British Columbia. Outbreaks over the past twenty years have involved contaminated chocolate milk, shrimp, lunchmeats, and cheese. A California outbreak in 1985 was due to contaminated Mexican-style cheese. This outbreak led to numerous stillbirths resulting in the monitoring of cheeses by the FDA. Fortunately, according to a study done by The US Department of Health and Human Services, infections with L. monocytogenes have decreased 35 % from 1996 to 2002.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

My Biggest Adventure :: Personal Narratives Flagstaff Essays

My Biggest Adventure To start off my story I was born and raised in the same city my entire life. I grew up in the same neighborhood and even the same house, never to fully experience the sensation of moving into a new house or having to make new friends at a different school. Some may say I was lucky I never had to move, but deep down in my heart I always wanted to be that new kid and feel see what it feels like. Worst of all, my schools I had attended were only about ten minutes away from my house; all of them. School never really was one of my interests and because of that I never really studied and did homework in class instead of listening to my teachers. I just did enough to graduate from my high school and do it with grades I thought were acceptable. And of course they were acceptable enough for an acceptance letter from my first choice school, Northern Arizona University. Before I knew it, I had graduated from high school and I was preparing myself for my journey to college. I had no idea what to expect from the people and the life style I was about to encounter. One part of me felt sad that I was going to leave a lifestyle that I had become so accustomed to, while another part of me felt relieved that I was finally going to be on my own and have a freedom I have not experienced before. Finally my summer had come to end and I was packing my car for the long journey ahead of me and a new chapter in the book of my life. I started to think about all those things I was leaving behind and those things that were ahead of me. I knew that my life was about to change dramatically; I was going to be living on my own in a new environment not knowing a single person or having someone to hang out with. Out of everything that is different in Flagstaff I would have to say that the weather is the most noticeable. In Southern California the weather is the most neutral compared to the rest of the United States. We have sunny warm days all year long so in a way one could say that it is summer all year long. My Biggest Adventure :: Personal Narratives Flagstaff Essays My Biggest Adventure To start off my story I was born and raised in the same city my entire life. I grew up in the same neighborhood and even the same house, never to fully experience the sensation of moving into a new house or having to make new friends at a different school. Some may say I was lucky I never had to move, but deep down in my heart I always wanted to be that new kid and feel see what it feels like. Worst of all, my schools I had attended were only about ten minutes away from my house; all of them. School never really was one of my interests and because of that I never really studied and did homework in class instead of listening to my teachers. I just did enough to graduate from my high school and do it with grades I thought were acceptable. And of course they were acceptable enough for an acceptance letter from my first choice school, Northern Arizona University. Before I knew it, I had graduated from high school and I was preparing myself for my journey to college. I had no idea what to expect from the people and the life style I was about to encounter. One part of me felt sad that I was going to leave a lifestyle that I had become so accustomed to, while another part of me felt relieved that I was finally going to be on my own and have a freedom I have not experienced before. Finally my summer had come to end and I was packing my car for the long journey ahead of me and a new chapter in the book of my life. I started to think about all those things I was leaving behind and those things that were ahead of me. I knew that my life was about to change dramatically; I was going to be living on my own in a new environment not knowing a single person or having someone to hang out with. Out of everything that is different in Flagstaff I would have to say that the weather is the most noticeable. In Southern California the weather is the most neutral compared to the rest of the United States. We have sunny warm days all year long so in a way one could say that it is summer all year long.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

John Searle’s Argument on Strong Artificial Intelligence

John Searle in his paper â€Å"Minds, Brain and Programs† presented the strong critics of the strong intelligence. First of all in the paper Searle differentiates between different types of artificial intelligence: weak AI, which is just a helping tool in study of the mind, and strong AI, which is considered to be appropriately designed computer able to perform cognitive operations itself. Searle conducted Chinese room experiment, the primary goal of which is to prove that machines cannot posses the states of conscious awareness, like perceiving, understanding or knowing (Searle, 1980).According to Stevan Harnad, in his research Searle actually does not argue about artificial intelligence at all but in fact he attacked the main positions of computationalism, â€Å"a position (unlike ‘Strong AI') that is actually held by many thinkers, and hence one worth refuting† (Harnad, 2001). Shortly, Chinese Room thought experiment can be described the following way. Searle p laces himself on the place of the computer. He supposed that he had to process a batch of Chinese characters with the help of the definite program and produce the output.Searle is completely unfamiliar with Chinese; he can’t even differentiate Chinese characters from Japanese ones. He could only distinguish them by their shapes. Searle was able to process those symbols due to the fact that the rules were given in English. That enabled him to operate with the Chinese characters. In some time as the person learns the rules better, processing the Chinese words becomes easier and the answers are more correct.So, people who ask questions in Chinese and receive answers are sure that the person knows the language as the answers are just undistinguishable from the answers of native speakers of Chinese. The conclusion is that obeying definite rules Searle can process Chinese questions and give correct answers to them without even knowing a word in Chinese. â€Å"Nobody just looking a t my answers can tell that I don't speak a word of Chinese†, Searle writes (Searle, 1980). The same thing is with computers. They are in fact in the same position as Searle.Computers don’t have mind, they don’t think in Chinese, but they are manipulating with symbols just as Searle did. That’s why people might have the impression that computers can possess intelligence. However, this work of Searle was not a complete explanation on the problem of artificial intelligence. It was just a beginning and it raised the wave of critics and argument. On the one hand almost all researchers couldn’t but agree with the Searle’s statement that he was able to give correct answers to the questions without knowing the word in Chinese.But still there were a number of people who considered that Searle’s experiment couldn’t be judged as a valid critics of the artificial intelligence. All the replies can be roughly divided into the following main g roups (Cole, 2004). The first group argued the Searle’s experiment by identifying, who it is who speaks Chinese. The second group of critics researches the way how meaningless symbols can become meaningful. The third group of scholars believes that there is a need to redesign the Chinese room along the lines of a brain.Finally the last group of scholars considers that there are numerous points which testify to the fact that Searle’s argument is completely misleading. So, as it was already mentioned the first argument was concerned with the mind source. This group of researchers was interested in the question where the mind was since the person in the room wasn’t speaking Chinese. The main issues under research were main ontological controversies of mind and body and simulation and reality (Cole, 2004; Hauser, 2005; Hearn, 2007). The group of the researchers attempting to answer this question fell into several categories.The first category proposed systems reply (Searle, 1980; Cole, 2004, Hauser, 2005; Russel & Norvig, 2003; Dennett, 1991; Hearn, 2007, Crevier, 1993), which believes that since the person is not the one who possesses the knowledge of Chinese but the answers are still correct, it is the system, comprising the man, batch of words and rules for processing the words, which comprehends Chinese. The person in the room is just a part of this â€Å"understanding† system, which implies that the fact that the person does not understand and does not know the Chinese language is completely irrelevant.However, Searle was able to answer this critical response saying that the man can be the whole system in case he memorizes all the rules for processing the Chinese words and will keep them in his mind. However, this won’t change the fact that he does not understand Chinese (Searle, 1980). The other point on which Searle argued this response was that critics are in fact missing the point as they on the one hand were trying to f ind the mind, but on the other hand point that it belongs to some â€Å"system†, which is a room.But this doesn’t make sense as the room itself has nothing to do with the mind. It can be true only on the point when the critics explain this from the metaphysical point of view, which means that the mind is something that appears or â€Å"emerges† in the room and continues to exist there (Harnad, 2005; Searle, 1980; Crevier, 1993). The other response, which belongs to the group of â€Å"mind finders†, is virtual mind reply (Cole, 2004). This seems to be a more correct reply, which sticks to the idea that there is some Chinese-speaking mind in the room but it is virtual.It was argued that computing machinery possesses the ability to â€Å"implement† another computer, which implies that any computer can simulate other machines step-by-step, performing the functions of both. Cole even argues that a program can be created, which in fact is able to impleme nt two minds at once. So, despite the fact that there exists only one man in the room and one system, the number of â€Å"virtual minds† can be unlimited (Cole, 2004).However, Searle’s response was that such a mind is nothing but a simulation by itself: â€Å"No one supposes that computer simulations of a five-alarm fire will burn the neighborhood down or that a computer simulation of a rainstorm will leave us all drenched†(Searle, 1980). This statement was argued by the supporter of the virtual mind idea, Nicholas Fearn, in the following way: â€Å"When we call up the pocket calculator function on a desktop computer, the image of a pocket calculator appears on the screen. We don’t complain that â€Å"it isn’t really a calculator†, because the physical attributes of the device do not matter† (Fearn, 2007).Anyway, the following conclusion can be made: on the one hand these scholars were able to argue the Searle’s statement that â€Å"strong artificial intelligence† is false due to the fact that the man in the room doesn’t understand Chinese, which implies that nothing in the room understands Chinese (Cole, 2004). On the other hand the scholars still failed to prove the existence of the strong AI as they couldn’t prove that the system or virtual mind understands Chinese. Searle maintains that â€Å"the systems reply simply begs the question by insisting that system must understand Chinese† (Searle, 1980).The other groups of scholars, who argue Searle’s work, were concerned with finding the meaning. Their replies are generally referred to as robot and semantics replies. The main concern of these scholars is to argue the Searle’s work at the point of intentionality and syntax-semantics controversy. For the person in the room Chinese characters are just meaningless â€Å"squiggles†, however, if the Chinese room can really comprehend Chinese words, there should b e the source of the meaning. Thus, this group of scholars was trying to find the connection between the symbols and the items they symbolize.According to the proposed replies to these questions, several categories could be differentiated. First one is robot reply (Searle, 1980; Cole, 2004; Hauser, 2006; Hearn, 2007), which states that if the program is placed in the robot instead of the room nobody would doubt that he understands what he’s doing due to the establishment of the â€Å"causal connection† between the symbols and things, which are represented by them. According to Hans Moravec â€Å"If we could graft a robot to a reasoning program, we wouldn't need a person to provide the meaning anymore: it would come from the physical world† (in Crevier, 1993).However, Searle argued this idea by stating that there is no difference who operates the words, as the person in the room is just following the rules without understanding what the words actually mean. Searle further says that â€Å"he doesn’t see what comes into the robots eyes† (Searle, 1980). The second group proposed derived meaning theory (Hauser, 2006; Cole, 2004), which there is a connection between the room and the world through Chinese speakers and programmers, which implies that the symbols the person works with are already meaningful in general, which does not necessarily mean that they should be meaningful to him.However, Searle argues that symbols can only possess derived meaning, which depends on the conscious comprehension of Chinese speakers and programmers outside the room, which does not at all mean that the room by itself possesses the ability to understand by itself (Cole, 2004). The other semantic replies were concerned with the commonsense knowledge idea (Dennett, 2007), which states that the meaning of symbols could be derived from the background of the commonsense knowledge, which serves as a â€Å"context† providing meaning for the symbols.S earle argument was based on the idea that although the background does exist, still it can’t be built in programs. So, it is obvious that Searle supports the viewpoint that there is no difference in the amount of knowledge written into the program and the connection of the later with the world. Still the person is the only one, who operates in the room and his actions is purely syntactic, which do not provide him with the meaning of the words, thus, the main Searle’s statement is that â€Å"syntax is insufficient for semantics†(Searle, 1984; Searle, 1989).However, it should be admitted that there is some sense in the virtual mind theory, saying that even though the symbols mean nothing to Searle, they acquire their meaning from the virtual mind, which is connected with the outside worlds through Chinese speakers and programmers, which implies that it is irrelevant whether these symbols mean anything to Searle. The third group of scholars argued Searle’s w ork on the point that it the system needs to be redefined.Thus, according to brain simulator reply (Searle, 1980; Cole, 2004; Hauser, 2006; Churchland & Churchland, 1990.) the program is sure to understand Chinese in case it is a simulation of the interaction of the neurons in the brain of a speaker of the Chinese language. Searle argues this reply saying that this type of simulation is unable to reproduce such basic features of the brain as its causal and intentional states, saying that â€Å"human mental phenomena are dependent on actual physical-chemical properties of actual human brains† (Searle, 1980). He further states that only brains can cause mind (Hauser, 2006).According to the brain replacement scenario (Russell Norvig, 2003; Cole, 2004; Moravec, 1988; Kurzweil, 2005; Crevier, 1993,) the scholars maintain that in case one small computer is able to simulate the work of one individual neuron, this won’t cause that much difference to the system in general, howe ver, in case all the neurons are replaced, we would create digital computer stimulating the brain. This means that if we support Searle’s point of view this will lead to the disappearance of the whole conscious awareness (Searle, 1992; Russell & Norvig, 2003).Combination reply (Searle, 1980; Hauser, 2006) supported the idea that in case there is a robot created on the basis of brain simulation, which is linked to the world in the way that it has the causal power of the real brain, it is able to think. Connectionist reply (Cole, 2004 Hauser, 2006) has much in common with the brain simulator reply and believes that the real comprehension is possible in case there is a massively parallel connectionist architecture. So, basically these arguments can be divided into two main groups.The first one believes that Searle is true in this Chinese room experiment, however, in case some changes are made in the room or the program, it can acquire mind and consciousness (Cole, 2004). The sec ond group considers that redesigning should be made in order to see at which point Searle is wrong. Searle argues that machines still are unable to understand anything even if they are redesigned. The other argument is that in case there is a need of a robot body or a connectionist architecture are necessary, this would mean that we can’t speak any longer of strong AI (Searle, 1980; Harnad, 2001).According to Searle â€Å"I thought the whole idea of strong AI was that we don't need to know how the brain works to know how the mind works† (Searle, 1980) So, as far as we can see Searle’s argument of the strong artificial intelligence has its grounds. It is thoroughly based and well-considered. There was a lot of argument on his Chinese room experiment, however, hardly any critic was able to prove that Searle was completely wrong at some point.References:1. Churchland, Paul and Churchland, Patricia. (January 1990). Could a machine think?. Scientific American 262: 32 -39.2. Cole, David. (Fall 2004). The Chinese Room Argument, in Zalta, Edward N. , The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.3. Crevier, Daniel. (1993), AI: The Tumultuous Search for Artificial Intelligence. NY: BasicBooks.4. Dennett, Daniel. (1991). Consciousness Explained. The Penguin Press.5. Fearn, Nicholas. (2007). The Latest Answers to the Oldest Questions: A Philosophical Adventure with the World's Greatest Thinkers. New York: Grove Press.6. Harnad, Stevan. (2001). What’s Wrong and Right About Searle’s Chinese Room Argument. in M. & Preston, J., Essays on Searle’s Chinese Room Argument, Oxford University Press.7. Harnad, Stevan. (2005). Searle's Chinese Room Argument, Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Macmillan.8. Hauser, Larry. (1997). Searle's Chinese Box: Debunking the Chinese Room Argument. Minds and Machines, 7: 199-226.9. Hauser, Larry. (2006). Searle's Chinese Room, Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.10. Kurzweil, Ray. (2005). The Singularity is Near. Viki ng Press.11. Moravec, Hans. (1988). Mind Children. Harvard University Press.12. Russell, Stuart J. and Norvig, Peter. (2003). Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River. NJ: Prentice Hall.13. Searle, John. (1980). Minds, Brains and Programs. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3 (3): 417-457.14. Searle, John. (1983). Can Computers Think? , in Chalmers, David, Philosophy of Mind: Classical and Contemporary Readings, Oxford.15. Searle, John. (1984). Minds, Brains and Science: The 1984 Reith Lectures. Harvard University Press.16. Searle, John. (January 1990). Is the Brain's Mind a Computer Program? Scientific American 262: 26-31.17. Searle, John. (1992). The Rediscovery of the Mind. Massachusetts: M. I. T. Press.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Price for education Essay

The observation of the university official is incomplete. While she might be correct in her assertion that demand for admission may be completely price inelastic, basing such a conclusion on the fact that the number or quality of the students applying over the last 15 years has not decreased despite the doubling of the tuition fees over the same period of time is not the only consideration that should be examined. In finding out if the demand for admission is completely price inelastic, it is important to not only examine the figures from a single university but also the figures from other universities. Education and therefore admission is a good that is not easy to quantify. The continued influx of students despite the doubling of tuition fees could merely be a function of the improved performance of the university over the same period of time. Given that this is the case, it cannot be said that the demand for admission is completely price inelastic. Another factor that must be examined is the number of students who are applying for all universities. According to the law of supply and demand, the price of a good can continually increase without a noticeable change in demand if the supply is limited. Applying this theory to the case at hand, it can safely be argued that the demand for admission is not completely price inelastic but is rather explained by the fact that there is a lack of universities to begin with. Given the limited supply, students will still enroll at the said university despite the doubling of the tuition rates because of a lack of universities. Price elasticity or lack thereof can be explained by many factors. The presence of alternatives or lack thereof would be one possible explanation. Another perspective would be to consider the fact that even if the price for education has increased, there has also been a corresponding increase in the wages/income of people and improvement in the standard of living. Basing the assumption on a single observation is not enough such as the assertion of the university official in this case.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Overview of Learning Styles Essay

Learning is a very personal experience for every person individually, However, I had not realized the extent of how personal, learning actually is in reality. I was amazed each week as I learned about learning with personal Learning Patterns, how each pattern works, and how my use of each pattern affects not only the way I learn; but the way I work, perform tasks, and interact with others. I was blown away by the profound effects these Learning Patterns can have, both positively and negatively, if not used properly. Before this course, my definition of learning was very generic, stating that learning is integral to success and that one should strive to learn as much as possible. While I know that those statements and beliefs are true, I would now define learning as a very personal and individual process of acquiring information based on an individual’s personal learning patterns and how they obtain, retain, and apply that information. To someone who has not taken this course, I would explain that learning is actually easier, when they know how they learn as an individual. I would explain the 4 learning patterns with brief descriptions of each and a short example of how each one works, why they are important, and how they help in regards to learning and interacting with others, or performing specific tasks. I would let them know that when you learn using these patterns, you are learning with Intention, and Intentional learning brings out the best in them and in the successful completion of their goals and dreams! I have always loved learning and embrace it with an open mind and a willingness to absorb as much knowledge as I possibly can! My Learning Pattern scores are as follows†¦ Sequence- 26 Precision-31 Technical Reasoning-19 and Confluence-26 Typically, I have used Sequence, Precision, and Confluence frequently in my life in everything from being a parent, to work related issues and achieving goals. Although, until now, I did not realize my frequent use of these patterns. I have used Technical Reasoning at certain times as well, because these 4 patterns are actually meant to work together as a team, for individuals to achieve success in all that they do. However, most people use one or more patterns to a higher degree than others and avoid some patterns altogether; therein lies the problem of not knowing  about these patterns and how they work for you personally. When you know of these patterns and know your personal use of each pattern, you can direct them, or FIT them to work as the team they are meant to be! I have benefited greatly from this course. Some of the benefits I have realized are as follows†¦ I have learned to FIT, which is to Forge, Intensify, or Tether my learning patterns, in order to get the most beneficial, maximum result from my patterns. I have learned to Forge my Technical Reasoning, so that when working with computer tech type projects, that normall y would have highly frustrated me, now has become just another step toward the completion, and I am able to follow through with ease! I have also better developed my Sequence and Precision in the way that I approach and complete assignments. Before this course, I would just sit down and write the assignment, without consciously using my learning patterns. Now, I use Sequence and Precision to pre-write a draft, edit, and review my writing, as well as critically re-reading the assignment instructions, decoding it, and double checking to ensure that I have completed all the requirements, which also requires Technical Reasoning, I also use Confluence in a better, more intentional manner as well, by brainstorming topics and looking at the â€Å"Big Picture†. After reviewing my work piece by piece, I now look at the overall presentation to ensure that my assignment is connected properly and that each part ties to the other, and the complete picture is balanced. Although, I have enjoyed it, this course has also been challenging for me and these challenges have impacted me in a very profound way. One major challenge for me was learning to FIT my learning patterns. Because I am a Strong-willed Learner, with 3 Use First lea rning patterns, it is a challenge to Tether dominant patterns when needed. For instance, I need to consciously practice Tethering my Precision because I tend to be overly descriptive, as you might have noticed! Also, Forging my Technical Reasoning remains a challenge as well. But, I now have the strategies to be able to accomplish what challenges me. I now have the help of Decoding, Word Walls, and Personal Strategy Cards to help with challenges as well. And these strategies allow me to move forward with a strong confidence, which is backed by quality resources that help to propel my achievements toward success, without frustration, and I can progress smoothly and efficiently. As I write this last paragraph, and this course comes to it’s end, I  realize how much I have really enjoyed this course, and find myself a bit sad that is already over. I really enjoyed learning about myself and how I learn as an individual, and how others learn individually. I enjoyed how each week connected to the week before and brought you to the next, as the Course’s Confluence blossomed to the Big Picture like a beautiful lotus flower , opening to showcase it’s subtle perfection, this course quietly, yet greatly makes its profound impact upon me and has made positive changes in me that I will carry with me forever; and for that, I am extremely grateful and even more proud of my decision to obtain my degree. I had expected this course to be a good course and I was confident about learning in an online platform, However, this course has greatly exceeded my expectations in every way. From getting to know my fellow classmates as they shared their lives, challenges, and dreams; to our dedicated and knowledgeable instructor who gives feedback in a very positive, understanding, and nonjudgmental way, to the confidence I have now because of the strategies I now have the option to use. I am very happy to have taken this course and I will use the beneficial knowledge I have gained from it, to obtain my degree, have success in my career, and live my life†¦ With Focused Intention!!!!

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Pioneers, oh pioneers

How does the setting underline the main conflict and the meaning for characterization? Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. Setting 2 2. 1 Dominica 3 2. 2 Dr Cox's house 4 2. 3 Ramage's house 5 2. 4 Comparison Imperial Road and Market Street 7 3. Conclusion 8 4. Bibliography 10 5. Honesty Statement 11 This seminar paper analyses the different functions of the setting in Jean Rhys's short story â€Å"Pioneers, Oh, Pioneers. † The author Jean Rhys was born in 1890 and brought up in Roseau, Dominica (Rhys 1981: 10).Her father was Welsh and her mother Creole (Rhys 1981 :6), so she grew up etween two worlds. Savory underlines that this is manifested in her divided attitude towards cultural identities (1998: 35). Rhys was an author of novels, short stories and an autobiographical fragment which is called â€Å"Smile Please†. But not only this book is autobiographical. Jean Rhys had almost always some autobiographical aspects in her stories. To her friend David Plante, who lat er became the ghostwriter of her autobiography, she said: â€Å"l can't make things up, I can't invent.I have no imagination. I can't invent character. I don't think I know what character is. I Just write about what happened† (1983: 52). In â€Å"Pioneers, Oh Pioneers†, which was originally published under the name â€Å"Dear Darling Mr Ramage† in The Times and later became a part of the story collection â€Å"Sleep It Off Lady' (Rhys 1976), the reader will also find some autobiographical aspects. The female child protagonist Rosalie is â€Å"aged 9† (Rhys 1970: 12)1 and â€Å"her father is the local doctor† (Hooper 2005:122).In 1899 Rhys was the same age and her father also had â€Å"decided to become a doctor† (Rhys 1981 : 68). Malcolm and Malcolm point out that Ramage â€Å"is neither white nor black† Just like Jean Rhys was. In her family she was the one with the palest skin (Rhys 1981). Do you consider yourself a West Indian? â €  She shrugged. â€Å"It was such a long time ago when I left. † â€Å"So you don't think of yourself as a West Indian writer? † Again, she shrugged, but said nothing. â€Å"What about English? Do you consider yourself an English writer? † â€Å"No! I'm not! I'm not!I'm not even English (Plante 1983:44). Jean Rhys seemed nowhere to be fit. To come to terms with this experiences, Rhys uses the character Mr Ramage in â€Å"Pioneer, Oh, Pioneers†. She adopts his eccentricity, but apart from that, she â€Å"gives im a rather different story' (Hooper 2005: 122). All references from the short story are from: Rhys, Jean. â€Å"Pioneers, Oh, Pioneers. † Sleep it Off Lady. London: Penguin Books, 1979, 11-21. The following analysis will start with a short definition of the term setting and a closer investigation of the general setting in the short story.Furthermore, this seminar paper is aimed to show the link between nature and the emotional state of the main character Mr Ramage. Besides, the main issue of the story, namely the cultural clash between the black and the white insulars, will be analyzed. To get a general nderstanding of the main topic of this seminar paper, namely the setting of the short story â€Å"Pioneers, Oh, Pioneers†, the definition of Michael J. Toolan is to be considered. He points out that â€Å"We like, in our reading of narratives, to know where we are, and look for clear spatiotemporal indications of Just where and when a thing happened. (1988: 102). In answer to the question of the point in time during which the action of the plot takes place, the reader finds out that â€Å"It was still the nineteenth century, November 1899†³ (11). According to Malcolm and Malcolm this date indicates he inability of Ramage to fit in the community of the island population. It symbolizes the situation of Ramage being caught between two cultures (1996: 85). He is neither Creole, nor a proper English man, b ecause he is trying more and more to disassociate himself from England, for example by marrying Isla. Her given name, Isla, the Spanish for Island, may suggest that Ramage has embraced the island itself† (Hooper 2005: 124). The date 1899 also implies that the action occurs at the time of colonialism. To have an overview of the history of the society living there at that time, the reader may onsider that the West Indies were discovered as a place where tobacco and sugar grew very well and one might earn money by planting there and shipping the goods apart. For this reason thousands of people from Africa were departed to the West Indies to work there as slaves.Although in 1899 slavery was already abolished, racial segregation was still present. â€Å"[T]he majority of Dominica's population is of African descent, mainly speaking French Creole and of the Catholic faith. † (Savory 2009: 2) but the minority of white people, mostly from Europe, who believed in the Anglican Chu rch, was still the dominating class. They urged the black people to adapt to their culture and rules (Smith 1974: 5-6). Besides telling the reader that the story is set in the time of colonialism, the date fulfils another function.November 1899 is the turning point between two seasons, two years and two centuries. As Malcolm and Malcolm point out it â€Å"adds to the sense of uncertainty and displacement† (1996: 85). The question of where the action takes place is more difficult to answer, but it will be discussed in the chapter â€Å"Dominica† of the seminar paper. Particular places of action re â€Å"Spanish Castle†, the â€Å"yellow- hot Market Street† (1 1), â€Å"the Imperial Road† (14fO and Cox's house. In the following chapters, those places will be analyzed in more detail. 2. Dominica Dominica plays an important role in the analysis of the setting, since it is probably the place where the entire plot takes place and it is furthermore the is land that accommodates the most important houses such as Ramage's Spanish Castle or Dr Cox's house. â€Å"Dominica is part of the Lesser Antilles in the Caribbean Sea, in a strip of islands known as the West Indies. It is situated between the French islands of Guadeloupe to he North and Martinique to the South. † (Kamyab 2009: 3). Other islands of the Lesser Antilles are Barbados and Trinidad (Brockhaus Weltatlas 1993: 255). arries Isla Harrington and at the end his wife is said to have stayed with relatives from Guadeloupe. As all these islands are directly mentioned, the reader can conclude that the location where the action takes place is a Caribbean island as well. Savory points out that Rosalie and Irene are â€Å"clearly in Roseau, Dominica in 1899† (2009:100). One fact which proves that Savory's statement is very likely to be true is the reoccurring motive of the â€Å"Imperial Road†. Along this new Imperial Road† (13) Ramage looks for a place to li ve. He finds his new home, a mansion called â€Å"Spanish Castle†.Another fact that may lead to the impression that Dominica is the place where the action takes place, is the â€Å"West Indian newspaper† (Rhys 1976: 12) which is mentioned in â€Å"Pioneers, Oh, Pioneers†: â€Å"the Dominica Herald and Leeward Islands Gazette†. First of all, the newspaper is named after Dominica, therefore the reader may conclude that this is the place where the story occurs. Furthermore, an article published in this fictional newspaper mentions the Imperial Road and defines ts idea as made â€Å"to attract young Englishmen with capital who would buy and develop properties in the interior† (19).The real Imperial Road had a similar concept. The administrator of Dominica at the period from 1899 to 1905, Henry Hesketh Bell, developed the idea of this concept. Bell was a fine publicist and attracted a number of new venturers on Crown Lands opened up by the Imperial Road , thirty on his own estimation, who together had invested about E40,OOO by the end of 1904 (Bell Papers (12. x. 1904)). In September 1900, while on leave in London, Bell wrote a long letter to The Times nder the title â€Å"Planting in Dominica,† extolling the virtues of the island and seeking young men.He received many replies, three planters returning with him to Dominica later that year (Hulme 2000:29). The house of the Cox family is described as one room which is: â€Å"C†¦ ] full of rockingchairs, a mahogany table, palm leafs fans, a tigerskin rug, family photographs, views of Bettws-y-Coed and a large picture of wounded soldiers in the snow, Napoleon's Retreat from MOSCOW' (Rhys 1979: 12). Furthermore, the fact that the two girls had to â€Å"go upstairs to bed† (13) leads to the conclusion that this house is not a simple one in the Caribbean.The financial situation of the Cox's is never directly mentioned in the text, but looking at the fact that they life in a house where, for example, timber-made chairs, belong to the furniture, the reader can come to the conclusion that the Cox's are a family that is well off. Here Rhys uses the setting to promote an â€Å"indirect characterization† (Toolan 1988: 104). To give some information about Dr Cox's character, a description of his desktop is used. â€Å"The Times weekly edition, the Cornhill Magazine, the Lancet and a West Indian newspaper, the Dominican Herald and Leeward Islands Gazette†(12), are to be found there.This indicates that Dr Cox is a man of vast reading and therefore well-educated. Objects like this â€Å"handled or props are two pictures. The first one is a picture of Bettws-y-Coed, this tells the reader that the Cox's have a British origin (http://www. betws-y-coed. com 2013). The second one with the historical Napoleonic background, implies that they are a family which is interested in culture and history. The house of the Cox family is situated near the ce ntre of the city, close to the Market Street, which is part of Irene's and Rosalie's way back home (11).The description of Dr Cox â€Å"sitting in an armchair with a hree- legged table by his side. On the table there were his pipe[†¦ ]. Also a Times weekly edition He was not to be spoken to (12) has also a biographical aspect. The place where Rhys's father used to sit is described in a similar way: a round table with a green- shaded reading lamp, the latest Times weekly edition a fortnight old, his pipe rack, and a large armchair where he sat reading and we weren't allowed to disturb him or speak to him (Rhys 1981: 68 f. ).Ramage's home is the place where the function of the setting, namely to underline the character traits, is most recognizable. Rhys focuses on â€Å"male exploitation of women, on women's resistance to and collusion with that exploitation, on marginalizes exiled fgures from the Third world, on class antagonisms and conflicts† (Malcolm ; Malcolm 1996: 1 1). But in â€Å"Pioneers, Oh, Pioneers† the protagonist is a â€Å"male outsider† (Malcolm ; Malcolm 1996: 82). The character Ramage is also not completely invented. The real Ramage was a well-known fgure in Dominica.His attempt to dig a hole to reach China stands in parody of Chamberlain and Bell's modernizing efforts: much digging to no ultimate purpose, and with moral laxity, madness, and death Hulme 2000: 10) The main intention of the fictional Ramage in â€Å"Pioneers, Oh, Pioneers† is to find peace: â€Å"Peace, that's what I am after. † (14) but the only way to find it is: † to pay for it' You'll be very much alone. † (14). But this does not bother Ramage much. He prefers being alone and is considered to be â€Å"very unsociable† (12). He does not follow any â€Å"invitations to dances, tennis parties and moonlight picnics† (1 2f).Furthermore he does not seem to be interested in religion very much, for he never goes to ch urch (13). The setting of the Imperial Road underlines this antisocial attitude. Only made â€Å"to attract young Englishmen† the Imperial Road is a very isolated place to live at. The closes neighbor of Ramage is the owner of Twickenham, Mr Eliot (14). In the beginning, Ramage appeals to the inhabitants of Dominica, whether they are black or white. He is â€Å"followed about by an admiring crowd of little Negro boys† (12) and regarded as â€Å"a gentleman† (12) by Miss Lambton. â€Å"Ramage appears made to fit in. † (Malcolm & Malcolm 1996: 88).It is conspicuous that Rhys uses the setting to create a link between the outward appearance of Ramage and the one of his house, the â€Å"Spanish Castle†. At the when it came to looks â€Å"(12), wearing his â€Å"tropical kit, white suit, red cummerbund, solar topee† (12). His eventual home, the Spanish Castle, is said to be â€Å"beautiful but not prosperous† (14). As the story continues, things change. Ramage is now â€Å"burnt a deep brown, his hair fell to his shoulders, his beard to his chest. † (16). With only â€Å"wearing sandals a leather belt, on one side which hung a cutlass, on the other a large pouch. (16), he attracts the attention of the other inhabitants of the island. 5 Spanish castle is now â€Å"unkempt deserted [†¦ ]. The grass on the lawn had grown very igh and the verandah hadn't been swept for days† (17). Rhys uses the setting to underline the change in Ramage's life. He doesn't care about how he looks like anymore and seems desperate, because he seems to be unable to catch up with the society on the island. He simply wants to find peace. He isolates himself from the island population and tries to go native, but fails. Ramage's public appearance as naked, with long hair and deep brown skin, seems to indicate a serious, if flawed, attempt to go native. Ramage looks – with the exception of the beard – Just like de pictions of the real natives of Dominica† (Hooper 2005: 125). Ramage may try to leave his British origin behind and to identify himself as a fixed part of the island. His whole struggle with trying to live a quiet life is reflected in the appearance of his estate. By marrying Isla, Ramage splits himself off from the English society and puts down roots on Dominica.But the people who live on the island do not except this marriage. He is said to be â€Å"lost to white society' (15) now. Resulting from his interracial marriage, the island population assume that he rejects the idea of the natural superiority of the British race (Wende 2012: 229). When Mrs Ramage disappears, rumors are spread that Ramage might have killed her. An article published in the Gazette calls him a â€Å"beastly murder[er]† (19). Toolan points out that there is a causal or analogical relation between the setting on the one hand and characters and events on the other hand (1988: 104).Dr Cox, who seem s to be the only friend of Ramage, is not able to see the danger signals. When he visits his friend, the last time before Ramage kills himself, he gives the impression to be okay. The â€Å"nasty beastly horrible Ramage. â€Å"(11) was now â€Å"wearing one of his linen suits, lean and pressed, and his hair and beard were trimmed. † (17). He says that he feels â€Å"splendid† (17) but his garden tells the truth. Here the setting, in this case the garden, gives some information about the feelings of the male main protagonist.As already mentioned above, the garden is â€Å"unkempt and deserted The grass on the lawn had grown very high and the verandah hadn't been swept for days. † (17). Deep inside he also feels â€Å"unkempt and deserted† (17) because the people throw stones at his house (18), think that he killed his wife (19) and do not accept his new way of dressing 16) and his marriage with Isla (15). That fthe servants have all walked out† (17 ) shows that everyone left Ramage and he is all alone now, as Dr Cox predicted it before. Although he said at the beginning that he had no problem with being alone (14), he is hapless now.Nobody seems to understand him and therefore he is not able to find the only thing he was after: â€Å"Peace† (14). Neither fitting into black nor white society, Ramage decides to commit suicide. On the day of his funeral â€Å"it was dream. 6 The comparison of the Imperial Road and the Market Street is used to clarify the function of the etting to underline the racial segregation. â€Å"In Pioneers, Oh, Pioneers,†the two contrasting worlds meet physically on Market Street in the form of black and white women there† (Malcolm ; Malcolm 1996: 85). Rhys illustrates the complex hierarchy of race and class (Davis 2005) in her short story.She does this by using the setting. Like Davis points out, on Market Street â€Å"the black women were barefooted, wore gaily striped turbans and highwaisted dresses† (Rhys 1976: 1 1), while Afro-French Madame Menzies maintained the dignity of her old-fashioned riding habit, and British Mr. Ramage lived out an imperialist antasy in his â€Å"tropical kit, white suit, red cummerbund, solar topee† (12). These different perspectives are linked through the consciousness of the young protagonist who rejects the reductive, hegemonic vision of colonial society (Davis 2005).When Ramage arrives on the island, he is looking for an estate and he tells Dr Cox that he â€Å"was told that there were several places going along this new Imperial Road [†¦ ]† (13). But Dr Cox is not convinced of this plan. ANon't last. † (13), he says. But Ramage still decides to buy an estate located at this lonely road. He acquires Spanish Castle, â€Å"one of the older properties† (14). The nearest estate is the one of Mr Eliot. It was used to be called â€Å"Malgr © Tout†, but now it is called â€Å"Twickenha m† (14) after a London suburb.Wende points out that this renaming represents the British sovereignty (2012: 227). In contrast to the young men, like â€Å"young Errington, young Kellaway, who had bought estates along the Imperial Road and worked hard C†¦ ]† (14) but failed and had to sell their land after only a few time had passed, Ramage does not want to gain prosperity. The only thing he wants to find is peace (14). In one way this can be interpreted as a â€Å"desired escape from Britain† (Hooper 2005: 124). The loud and crowded Market Street corresponds to the lonely Imperial Road.The Imperial Road seems to be a place built up by white people to separate themselves from the black society. It is a place where people who want to live in another country, but do not want to integrate, live. They rather want to stay among people of the same origin. This is to be noticed by the fact that there are no black people to be found on the Imperial Road. Only rich wh ite people live there. The Market Street is the place where black as well as white people meet. As already mentioned above: â€Å"[T]he few white women carried parasols. The black women were barefoot, wore gaily striped turbans and highwaisted dresses. (11) Though they are humans, all people Rosalie watches on Market Street are only part of the setting (as well as 7 the admiring negro crowd). They are used to underline the contrast between black and white on the island, and are not important as characters for the story. They are only props, as Chatman defines (1993: 63). The white women do not seem to enjoy the weather. Their appearance is much darker than the one of the black women, who barefooted, but Mrs Menzies also passes by riding, she is therefore in the physical osition to look down on other people.This underlines the clear distance between the colonialists and the people who are colonialized. Even though slavery was abolished by this time, hierarchical structures were stil l present (Wende 2012: 237). In â€Å"Pioneers, Oh, Pioneers† the white society seems to be very hostile to acts or people who do not fit in their idea of life. Not only the Market Street shows the racial segregation, but also the description of the two cemeteries. On the one hand, there is â€Å"the Catholic cemetery, where all day the candles burnt almost invisible in the unlight.When night came they twinkled like fireflies. The graves were covered with flowers- some real, some red of yellow paper or little gold cut-outs. † (21). This cemetery is the one where mostly black people were buried. Just like their clothes, their cemetery is described in a more colorful way. Whereas â€Å"the Anglican cemetery, which was not very far away, down the hill, was deserted and silent. † (21). Just like the people, the cemeteries have some point where they seem to be alike, for they both are places where people are buried, but they have significant differences.When eferring to the people this could be interpreted as the black people are more kindly (bright) and the white are more dismissive (grey). 3. Conclusion An impoverished stranger comes from off the island, usually from ‘home', and courts and marries a local woman who, in narrative terms, is seen to represent the island itself. That story is fundamental to Rhys's work. [†¦ ] It is the story of Mr. Ramage, in â€Å"Pioneers, Oh Pioneers. † And, crucially, it is the story of Rhys herself (Hulme 2000: 20). In Jean Rhys's short story the setting fulfills several functions.One the one hand, it is sed to determine the place where the action takes place. As already mentioned above, the place where the entire plot takes place and where the houses which are directly mentioned, such as Ramage's Spanish Castle or Dr Cox's house, are to be found, is Dominica. On the other hand, the setting is used to characterize acting people in an indirec way. For example, it is never said that the Cox f amily is a rich one. Only the description of one room in their house with chairs made of timber and a tigerskin rug leads the reader to the conclusion that they are a family which is well off.Furthermore, the setting tells the reader important character traits of 8 Dr Cox. The description of his desktop with a lot of newspapers implies that he is intelligent and a prestigious man. Another function of the setting in â€Å"Pioneers, Oh, Pioneers† is to point out the racial segregation, that was still present on Dominica in 1899. Although the differences were never mentioned explicitly, it becomes clear that there is a huge discrepancy between black and white people, as the setting implies. For example, when Ramage marries Isla, he is â€Å"lost to white society' (15).In their eyes, the way Ramage lives does ot match their ideas of a hierarchy everyone has to stick to. They want a clear separation of colonialists and the people who are colonialized. As Malcolm and Malcolm point out â€Å"Pioneers, Oh, Pioneer†, deals with the cultural clash between those two groups (1996: 83). The white people outrank the black islanders. This is already got to know. The white women Mrs Menzies does not only feel like she is in a higher position, she actually really is, because she rides past the black people on her horse. Furthermore Malcolm and Malcolm emphasize that even the date emphasizes the clash.Peter Hulme sees in Jean Rhys's short story ‘Pioneers, Oh Pioneers' not only a foreshadowing of the life of the inexperienced settler, but a critique of precisely the sorts of imperial road-building ambitions that were promoted by politicians and administrators such as Chamberlain and Hesketh Bell.