
Friday, February 22, 2019

Case Study Of Banjah Village Environmental Sciences Essay

piddle is indispensable to hand more or less male, stimulate bes and ca-cass and with erupt pee, life-time on Earth would non be. It is the 2nd resource, which is reall(a)y of present moment and copious apart from air Wagner and Lanoix ( 19619 ) . From the authentically eruptgrowth of human civilisation, battalion generate chose to settle uprise to water system solutions, on rivers, beside lakes or near natural startles. Indeed, where plenty live, whatsoever pee is usually available for take in, domesticated usage and perchance for irrigating animate beings. ( IRC1998 )When the member authoritiess of the United Nations proclaimed the mid-eighties to be the supranational inebriety peeing issueing and Sanitation ecstasy ( the pee Decade ) , they were reacting to an pres prattle demand. An estimated 30,000 batch were deceasing all two dozen mos, galore(postnominal) an whatever an another(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) of them attri scarceed t o a deprivation of safe sop up piddle or jibe sanitation installations. The accede of affairs of water system bestow in the mankind particularly in coarse seeries is far from being satisfactory. In 1980, the gentlemans gentleman Health Organization estimated that more(prenominal) than 70 % of the universe s artless cosmos was without addition to a safe and equal piss confering some 1.150m paraplegicion villagers ( China s statistics non included ) were imbibing water system which was a menace to their haleness ( IRC1998 7 ) . overly, more than unmatched billion nation lack entree to a safe write out of imbibing piss. pissing connect diseases become pickings ca purpose of decease in the universe. It takes the lives of more than 14.000 great deal individually xxiv hours as it is responsible for 80 % of all illness in the universe.In developing carrys, heavy(a) females and immature misss flat decennary more than ccmillion hours walking to the ne arst pi ss beginning entirely to buzz off adequate water for their house celebrates. in any case, statistics show that further 60 % of the Afri bear population has entree to safe body of water supplies. More so, in Cameroon more than iodine million batch presently lack entree to safe imbibing water supply and deuce-ace billion neediness entree to basic sewerage systems. Although SNEC was created in Cameroon in the sixtiess after the independency, its activities argon largely been limited to the supply of drunkenness water system to urban and urban periphery, populating the rural countries at their person-to-person clemencies and with limited finance to right for crapulence body of water supply.Drinkable piddle scarceness being a worldwide crisis at any(prenominal) pose threatens the population of Banjah residential district. Banjah is iodin of the sensitive townsfolks which feature up the Bamenda cardinal subdivision in the mating West Region of Cameroon. It is si tuated about 5km North West of Bamenda town. This light Angloph one and only(a) smoothish town of about 2000 people made the scarceness of beverage urine their preoccupation. The Anglophone Cameroon by and large has had a strong tradition of self reliant fellowship evolution. During the colonial period, the British provided basic comfortss to their settlements for diminished apostrophize. The supply of deglutition water system for British Southern Cameroonians was under the Public whole caboodle Department ( PWD ) a authorities bureau. And pee was fundamentally unembellished comp atomic number 18d to those in Gallic Cameroon. After reunion, the assets of PWD associating to body of water were transferred to a new bureau SNEC. With SNEC, the awards say increasing. So with the cognition that water system is supposed to be little expensive or even free and with the spirit of friendship festering inseparable in about Anglophone countries, the Banjah people decided t o come up with a self-reliant water supply chore which was partially realized in 1992. in the first slurhand the ack this instantledgement of the system, the villagers fand so forthed water from rivers springs and watercourses, which ran for long standoffishnesss before making the subatomic town. These beginnings as well crisscross unsophisticated atomic number 18as, croping set bundles and colonies. This resulted to genuinely high rates of taint. More so, the villagers live oned for stopping register to 3km to postulate weewee and water supply born(p)e diseases were rampant. weewee jobs were doing enormous complaisant jobs. Besides, the absence of boozing H2O turn backed other development labors.With the partially actualisation of the H2O supply strategy, the higher up jobs feed non been on the whole eradicated, alternatively, new 1s have been created. The H2O strategy faces the job of irregular supplies. in that location is mis perpetration of f inancess. The circularize nature of colonies and the rugged terrain be alike major(ip)(ip) jobs. Lack of topical anesthetic anaesthetic trained forces for the appendage and cargon of the strategy increases the jobs. Finally, the deficiency of bountiful females employ in the billing of the strategy overly causes a great job since they atomic number 18 the greatest makees. only these jobs leave the villagers no option too to be given to their old available H2O beginnings. in that respectfore, conveying back if non, all the jobs faced by the community before the actualization of the toil. These jobs inspired the research laper to seek reception to this primary(prenominal) research inquiry How effectual is the Banjah urine supply undertaking? To reply this inquiry this research has been divided into four subdivisions.The first subdivision assesses the demesne of affairs of drinking H2O before the realisation of the H2O undertaking. It besides looks at H2O supply form and how the support for the H2O undertaking was carried out. The following subdivision looks at the diametric histrions convolute in the H2O supply strategy. It besides analyses the schemes and focussing utilise for the success of the undertaking. The following is the socio economicalal impacts of the H2O supply strategy to the Banjah community in peculiar and others in general. Then we look at the jobs faced in the complaint of the H2O supply strategy. The last subdivision concludes by sketching approaching chances in telling to the present tendencies in the development of the strategy. This prospects if carried out allow convey the undertaking to a successful terminal.0.7 METHODOLOGYThe Banjah Water supply undertaking pass overs a comparatively little awkward but with a hard terrain. It has as take activities every blot earnest as people with every bit diverse positions. same(p) other rural countries in Cameroon, it is ill served with communicating installati ons. All of these leave behind ask a multi- attack in grade uping informations. The methodological outline on that pointfore depart be divided into two move informations aggregation and information analysis.0.7.1. Data and instruction CollectionThe information for the mickle pull up stakes be collected from primary and secondary beginnings. skill of gageary informations very often quantify has been written on community H2O supply strategy, direction and impacts. In this visible radiation, informations go away be collected from both published and unpublished secondary beginnings. They exit include paperss and relevant web sites on the Internet. These paperss will include text editions, thesiss thesis, diaries, periodicals and magazines. These paperss and statistics will be gotten from libraries, NGOs and Rural and Urban Councils0.7.1.3. Acquisition of Primary DataThis will affect battle world give-up the ghost. domain of a function arrive at constitutes a maj or beginning of informations in this type of research. That is field trips, interviews, direct observations and questionnaires. line tripsThe first acquaint of the field trip will get down with a master engage during which the matrix will be located and demarcated the layout of the terrain appreciated and some measurings concluded.The 2nd show will affect transect work to demo the spatial scattering of the H2O webInterviewsSemi structured interviews and treatments will be conducted officially with traditional heads, members of the lilliputian town traditional council, members of the H2O direction committal, caputs of adult females associations and house hold caputs. Informal interviews and treatments will be through with(predicate) on Lords daies after church services, market yearss and flushing when nearly of the villagers have retired place. These rig structured interviews and treatments will take to historical endure. It will affect the function of the H2O link up phe nomena before and after the realisation of the strategy.Direct observationsThis is genuinely of moment in roll uping and analysing informations. It involves the drawing of maps to demo the spacial distribution of phenomenon. For exercise the spacial distribution of the H2O web, the proposed strategy etc. Photographs will besides be interpreted to demo the spacial arrangement of plastered phenomenon utilizing the direct field observation method. The H2O jobs will hence be assessed straight.QuestionnairesLast, questionnaires were administered utilizing graded random work technique to respondents for general replies. The different lodge represented the different strata. In each(prenominal) strata families were indiscriminately selected. The family caput became the caput source or other representatives in the instance of the absent of the family caput. For the 200 questionnaires 40 were administered to each of the five quarters. For these 200 questionnaires administered 154 were decently answered. That is 77 % . These greatly helped the research worker to analyse the H2O supply strategy and its direction in the community. This is shown on the tabular begin downstairs.Table 1 The Distribution of render Size Questionnaires per Quarter.Living quarterssNo of QestionnairesNo of Questionnaires AdministeredPercentage of RespondentsMubaco403618Wumkien403417Ntoh402713.5Mucob403115.5Njimben402613Entire20015477Beginning battlefield study 20060.7.2DATA ANALYSESAfter roll uping these informations, they be change of location to be sorted classified analysed and interpreted. The information will be analyzed utilizing descriptive statistic methods. Tables, per centum and charts will be used.Chapter ONESituation OF swallow water system BEFORE THE REALISATION OF THE plot, SUPPLY modus operandi AND FINANCEHundreds of deoxycytidine monophosphate0000s of people in rural communities struggle for drinkable H2O supplies. Like most rural communities, the people of Banja h small town one while depended precisely on traditional H2O beginnings for endurance. The get dressed to turn to the eradicate effects of increasing H2O scarceness and worsening H2O flavor just about the Banjah small town eventually came. This chapter hence tries to analyze the relegate of affairs of drinkable H2O before the strategy was realized, provide process and the support.1.1 SITUATION OF POTABLE WATER BEFORE THE REALISATION OF THE SCHEMEField study reveals that life was similar snake pit to the villagers before the strategy. Drinking H2O was gotten from watercourses, rivers and springs, which ran, for long distances before making the small town. Apart from H2O collected from the rain the other beginnings were super polluted. This resulted to H2O borne diseases. crossroadsrs took the bother to go for stat mis to roll up this contaminated H2O. Water scarceness caused social jobs and a host of other jobs.1.1.1 Water beginnings before the strategyThe population of Ban jah community had swarm beginnings of H2O before the strategy. Field observation and sampling revealed the distribution beginnings as seen below.Table 2 Collection Points before the organisationBeginningsNumber of syndicatesPercentage ( % )Rain H2OStreamsSpringsRivers42403383432277Entire123100Beginning Field reexamine 2006The to a higher place consequences revealed that most people got H2O chiefly from rainwater ( during the rainy inure ) , watercourses and springs. The per centums of the population that collected H2O from these different beginnings range from 34 % for rainwater, 32 % for watercourse to 27 % for springs. These beginnings were attach to by many jobs.The above findings on the different H2O beginnings atomic number 18 similar with Faniran ( 1987 ) who highlighted that the chief beginnings of H2O before the set up of the Lagos Water Scheme were pools watercourses, springs, pools, Wellss, lakes and rivers. He went farther to explicate that these beginnings which were polluted led to the high rate of H2O borne diseases. These besides go in line with this research and below ar some of the job faced by the villagers before the realisation of the strategy.1.2 PROBLEMS OF POTABLE WATER BEFORE THE REALISATION OF THE SCHEME1.2.1 BURDEN OF FETCHING WATER.Water bringing before the 1990s in Banjah small town was a great domestic institutionalise. Much rationalise and energy was spent to cover long distances to bring H2O from the different beginnings apart from rainwater. The tabular array below reveals walking distance from the H2O beginning, measure of H2O fetched per cardinal hours and nip off spent for the intent.Table 3 Walking Distance from the Water Source, Quantity of Water Fetched Per Day and Time Spent for the Purpose.Family NoNeptuniumD ( m )T ( hour )Q ( cubic dm )NT ( hour )168505075-10021.402870035100-12521.003770040100-12521.2041080020100-125340545002550-75250Beginning Field resume 2006.NP= figure of people in the familyD ( m ) = come c stick out distance from family to the beginning in metersT ( hour ) = clip taken to bring H2O and return homeA Q ( cubic decimeter ) =Quanatity of H2O fetched per xxiv hours in liters.T ( hour ) =total clip spent per twenty-four hours in bringing H2On=number of trips to the beginning per twenty-four hours.The tabular array shows that an norm of 700m was covered by each family to roll up an norm of 100- 125litres of H2O. Women and kids every forenoon had to acquire up at the cleft of morning walking in the sincerely common cold spatial relation on narrow and ventureous way merely to roll up adequate H2O for their families. With the dotty way some people after guideing the H2O and about making the house ordinarily slipped off non merely pouring the H2O but besides interrupting their hard earned containers.Besides during the wry season when most of the H2O beginnings were ironicing up longer clip was spent. This is because, the villagers had to go longer distances to bring H2O. Apart from these long distances, adult females and kids oft have to wait in bend to roll up H2O. or so traditional beginnings frequently dry out for several months each class and it could take up to an hr to make full a pailful as they waited for the H2O to balmy filtrate through the land to their containers. To invalidate much(prenominal) long delaies many H2O aggregators got up every bit early as they could to acquire to the H2O beginning before the queuing started. at that place was besides serious contending as they queued up.This activity was in truth palling and clip consuming, small clip was left for other activities that could bring forth income. The villagers described this distance as being painful. The calamity was that, holding spent so much clip and attempt in making a beginning of H2O, the H2O itself was frequently foul, contaminated and a wellness jeopardy.1.2.2 HEALTH PROBLEMSWater related wellness jobs were rampant in the community before the su pply of drinkable H2O. These jobs were straight and indirectly related to the absent of drinkable H2O. Indirectly, acquiring up early to acquire H2O was raging. Besides the early forenoon cold characterized in the agricultural during the dry season caused catarrh, cough, dry tegument and many other related diseases.Directly, these beginnings of H2O were extremely contaminated. They were ordinarily polluted by domestic waste disposal, farm fertilisers, treading by animate beings, the usage of H2O for stooling up watercourse, rinsing of apparels and stock-still utilizing the H2O for imbibing downstream. Field surveies besides revealed that most frequently, the H2O had gustatory sensation, atoms settled at the underside of the container when unploughed overnight and some even stained garments. All these showed how polluted the H2O was. These led to a high incidence of H2O related diseases as shown on the tabular array below.Table 4 Distribution of Diseases before the Scheme.Types o f diseasesNumber of peoplePercentage ( % )DiarrheaDysentery epidemic choleraRashs4735203036261523Entire132100Beginning Field Survey 2006From the tabular array above, it loafer be seen that in that location was a high incidence of diseases before the installing of the H2O. Harmonizing to the sampled population, the sum of 132 people was ill of H2O borne diseases. Diarrhea had the highest prevalence of 36 % . Apart of these H2O borne diseases, there were besides H2O washed diseases like itchs, and H2O related vectors which caused malaria and filarial all transmitted by mosquitoes. The heavy containers caused backache, retarded increment and joint strivings. The sick wellness of the beat back force earnestly abnormal the development of the community. The general sanitation in the small town was a muss.1.2.3 SOCIETAL PROBLEMSThe absent of drinkable H2O freighter be prejudice to the society. to begin with the strategy was realised there were a series of social jobs. around hubbi es bartered their married womans for non cooking and transporting H2O on clip. about work forces did non care under which fortunes H2O was provided, all they needed was that things should be through and available on clip. School kids had to transport H2O before traveling to school. The long queuing particularly during the dry season made these kids to either travel tardily to school or non to travel at all.More so, normally there was serious contending amongst the villagers as they struggled to transport foremost. This caused hostility. Children were besides beaten for interrupting H2O containers. It was a hapless scene.Accepting the front line of a job is the beginning of the solution. After sing all these jobs something needed to be done. The villagers so took on their enterprise to supply drinkable H2O for the community.1.3 tot ProcedureWith all these H2O crises faced in the community, something had to be done to turn to the status and it had to be done fast. The people decide d to build a autonomous community H2O undertaking. The whole process skunk mostly be seen on a diagram as below demoing the assorted stages.Operation & A Maintenance and focussingDesignationInitiationPreparation For UpkeepPlaningmonitor & A EvaluationConstructionFigure Cycle of a representative Rural Water confer.1.3.1 InitiationAfter placing the job the following phase was the induction. Field study shows that adult females and kids are the primary groups roll uping H2O. on that pointfore, they are the 1s who understand the ache of supplying clean H2O. It is for this ground that the adult females after all the hurting and agony took upon the enterprise to suggest the thought of a drinkable H2O supply strategy.Table 5 Those Who Brought the Idea.BeginningsNumber of peoplePercentage ( % )Government21Womans Group10874Village Leaderships2718An person107Entire148100Beginning Field Survey 2006The above tabular array shows that the adult females group of the small town introduced the enterprise. Those who responded differently were either nescient or had nil to offer.Taking this enterprise, the adult females met with the hirer and Elders of the small town. They were directed to an administration that provide aid to community undertakings were they got of import advice on the supply of inexpensive and drinkable H2O to the community. They country was surveyed and the cost deliberated upon. They so decided to seek for help from different givers to add to what they had. It should be noted that there were processs and conditions which the villagers had to follow and carry through before they got any external aid.1.3.2 SupportUndertakings like rural H2O supplies can non be carried without assistance from the villagers themselves. The people of Banjah though willing to lend for the realisation of the H2O supply strategy, had limited agencies of bring forthing income for the installing of the H2O undertaking. in that respectfore, they had to seek aid from intern ational and Local Non Governmental Organizations ( NGO s ) , to guarantee the success of the undertaking.The three stages of the undertaking were completed in 1992, 1994, and 1996 severally. Financial, proficient and material support were gotten from the Swiss Association for Development and Cooperation ( HELVETAS ) , African Development Foundation ( ADF ) , European junction and of class the Department of club Development in Banjah. The fiscal part can be seen on the tabular array below.Table 6 Fiscal donations.Beginnings of FinanceSum in FCFAHELVETAS7,300,000ADF5,551,000European Union3,447,000Banjah community of interests2,991,000Entire19,238,000Beginning Project delegacy chairman,Community labour costed about 3,000,000FCFA. This brought the undertaking to a sum of 22,238,000FCFA. The field survey besides showed that financess were chiefly received from NGOs and from the small town community.Chapter TWOACTORS, STRATERGIES AND direction OF THE WATER PROJECT.The success of a community H2O supply can non be done by the community entirely. There must be other histrions involved. These include internal histrions which are made up of the people in the community and the external histrions which include people or organisations international the community. These histrions in one manner or the other helped in the realisation of the Banjah H2O undertaking. Field surveies revealed how involved these different histrions were and are still involved in the supply and direction process of the undertaking.2.1.1 OperationFor a undertaking to be successful at that place must be effectual operation and care. The Banjah H2O strategy maps under the umbrella of the Banjah Water Project Committee. The H2O strategy was divided into three stages. The first stage involved placing the spring beginning and taking the right engineering. The tabular array below shows the grant engineering options for the community H2O supply and wherefore the shout outd supply was elect for th e community.Table 7 Factors Considered in Choosing the Right Technology.TechnologyCostService LevelO & A M demandsWater QualityWater pointCheapVery low clinical depressionGoodPiped supplyexpensiveVery highVery highGoodManual bosomReasonably expensiveLowHighGoodDug honorableCheapestLowHighGoodRain catchmentCheapHighLowGoodBeginning Committee president.The piped engineering was chosen after discoursing with the field technician ( from HELVETAS ) and the community. This is because the H2O can easy be distributed in pipes to want points sing the topography of the small town ( explained the commission president of the strategy )The 2nd stage involved the aggregation of hard currency. This stage was really boring because it was non easy converting the villagers to lend. Several run acrosss were held in this visible radiation. The 3rd stage was the supply of local constricts. Womans and kids carried sand and the work forces and young person carried rocks to the undertaking sites. Thi s was done quartern by one-fourth under the supervising of the undertaking commission and one-fourth caputs. The 4th stage was the mental synthesis work proper. These involved the construction of the catchment country and storage armored set upon fomite, shaft of the trenches and laying of the pipes. A 2.5km pipe was laid from the catchment country to the storage armored combat vehicle.The undertaking covers a distance of 6.2km long and consists of 30 indivi doubled domicile lights-outs and 2 dual unspiritual lights-outs. There are four chief control valve Chamberss along the line and a little valve chamber attached to each base pat. There are besides several private base lights-outs in different families.2.1.2 Maintenance and ManagementThe Banjah Water Scheme has a care commission. This commission is supposed to guarantee sustainable direction of the strategy. The maps of the executive director members who make up the care commission can be summarized as followsTable 8 Some Functions of Committee MembersChairmanSecretaryTreasurerHearer chargetakerPresides at meetingsKeeps proceedingss of meetingsKeeps and collects community fundsChecks community historiesDoes fashion care and punishes those who violates ordinancesSign the contract with the caretakers for operation and care.Prepares studies with presidentPrepares fiscal statementsPrepares studies on the fiscal and stuffs directionOperates system e.g. , gap and shutting valves to ration H2ORepresents the small town on H2O affairsCorrespond and prevent bank booksSigners to bank historyDoes fixs of the H2O systemAuthorizes outgosKeeps records of minutessAdvises on what should be done on the systemCoordinates actions of membersUses and histories for tools, trim part and stuffConvenes meetingBeginning Adopted from Andrew M Tayong 2005These different maps have been clearly spelled out as above. But the inquiry is do the executive members execute their different maps judiciously? These will be expatiated in the chapters in front.2.1.3 Community ramifyicipationMost local populations are normally actively involved in the decision-making concerning developments or in their execution. They do nt merely supply information for the realisation of the strategy but besides take part in the effectual running of the strategy. The Banjah Community whole-heartedly participated to the success of the installing of the pipe borne H2O. The community participated through support and grammatical construction of the H2O strategy. From field survey, more than 90 % of those who visited the catchment country went at that place for community work.The community of Banjah started take parting at the beginning of the building of the H2O strategy. The people were willing to make whatever they were asked to make. Much work was done at the catchment country. It included amongst others glade of study way, proviso of study nog, transporting of rock, sand and other building stuffs. The community was besides respo nsible for excavation of the spring beginning for the catchment and besides trenches that channel the H2O to the remainder of the small town. Each of the quarters involved in the undertaking had community work leaders who did the organisation of the work at the one-fourth degree.Community labour was estimated to be approximately 3,000,000FCFA. The community besides participated financially. Womans had to suffer a hail of 2000FCFA, work forces 5000FCFA and kids above 18years 1000FCFA while those below 18years paid 500FCFA. The natives outside the small town were non excluded. They contributed massively towards the development of the strategy. Fund raising parties were held in most of the subdivisions all over the state to raise financess for the strategy.2.1.4 Women InvolvementIn Banjah in peculiar and most other rural communities, adult females and kids are the primary groups of roll uping H2O. Therefore, they are the 1s who suffer most from the jobs associated to the proviso of H 2O. The field study shows that adult females were those who brought the thought of drinkable what supply in the small town.As seen above, 74 % of the families interviewed revealed that adult females were those who brought the thought of drinkable H2O supply. They did non merely conveying the thought but besides helped in the executing of the undertaking. They were involved in transporting rocks and sand. They besides contributed financially by lending 2000FCFA each. Besides, some adult females participate in cleanup position some of the public lights-outs and place installed lights-outs around.But it should be noted that on the other manus work forces are those who provide more financially and materially and are greatly involved in determination devising. It is a commiseration that many of them have small cognition about the agonies and load in supplying the household with H2O every twenty-four hours. Moreso, adult females are marginalized when comparing the possible function of the adult females with the existent engagement in the assorted phases of planning, building, care and rating. Womans are non really much involved. This explains why merely one adult female is a member of the executive board. Notwithstanding this the community at big extremely participates in the development of the undertaking.The above goes in line with the universe acme held in Rio de Janerio in June 1992 where they explained that experiences in many developing states during and since the International Drinking Water tally and Sanitation Decade ( 1981 1990 ) shows that even the best tally H2O bureaus can non successfully implement, operate and keep a web of widely spread H2O systems without the full engagement and committedness of the users. There must be thusly the full engagement of a community in the realisation of any development undertaking, since they are the donees.Chapter THREETHE SOCIO ECONOMIC IMPACTS OF THE BANJAH WATER SUPPLY SCHEME.3.1 imperious ImpactsWater is an of im port accelerator necessary for speed uping both economic and social developments. Therefore H2O scarceness is one of the most of import environmental restraints of development, peculiarly in countries that face limited H2O in footings of role and measure. The installing of pipe borne H2O in Banjah has resulted to some impacts. Summarily, there is the fall of the incidence of H2O borne diseases, subside of H2O fetching as a domestic load, sweetening of other development plans, step of poorness mitigation and others that are explained below.Table 9 Main Benefits of the Scheme.Main BenefitsNumber of PeoplesPercentage ( % ) light in H2O borne disease come down in the load of bringing H2OImprovement in al-QaidaMicro irrigation strategiesEnhancement of other development undertakingsPoverty relief314535423442142015181518Entire229100Beginning Field Survey 2006The above tabular array shows the chief benefits of the strategy to the sampled population. All these will be analysed below.3. 1.1 Decrease in Water Borne DiseasesThe criterions of Cameroon imbibing H2O, corresponds with that of France, which is laid down in oblige one of the edict of 10th August 1961, of the Conseil Superieur dhygien publique and the edict of 28th February 1962 and seventh September 1967 ( Helvetas Manual, 1985 ) . These correspond to the international criterion, which says H2O should be colorless, tasteless, odorless and has no hazardous bacterium. The general safety of H2O is determined by its physical, chemical substance and bacteriological quality. It should hold sourness ( PH ) of measures which will do the H2O soft ( foams easy ) and the H2O should hold fix free carbondioxide. The tabular array below shows the study on chemical analysis of beg H2O in Banjah small town.Table 10 Report on chemical Analysis of Tap Water in Banjah Village.PH- valueHardness ( inA PG )carbonate hardnessNon Carbonate hardness 0Entire hardness6.50.1700.17Content of ( in mg/l )Sulfates so4Chlorides clAlk alinely mval cubic decimeter methyrorangeLime- aggreeiveCarbon dioxide CO2 HeyerKmnO4 breathing in in mg/l10. in mg/1Natrium Bi carbomate NAHCO3Magnesium Mg70Beginning HEVETAS LABThe above chemical analysis of the Banjah H2O was done utilizing the Drinkable Water Analysis Kit ( sit CA-24WR ) of Hach. Two liters of H2O was collected from the pat and put in a clean bottle made of good quality impersonal glass. The undermentioned chemical values were measured -PH-value-Hardness in grain CaCo3/gallon-Content of C dioxide CO2 in mg/l-Content of dissolved Oxygen in mg/lThe little hardness, really soft nature of the H2O and the less acidic ( impersonal ) content of the H2O makes it really drinkable for imbibing and other activities. These hence explain how drinkable the H2O is. Besides the bacteriological content of the H2O was analyzed and is presented below.Table 11 A Summary of a Report on the Bacteriological Analyses of the Water.OrganismValueWater Intended for DrinkingEntire Coliform BacteriaLess than 10/100mlin at least(prenominal) 75 % of all the samples takenFaecal Coliform BacteriaLess than 10/100mlin at least 75 % of all the samples takenBeginning HEVETAS LABFaecal coliform count in H2O samples taken from rural systems should neer transcend 10 bacteriums per 100 milliliter, and no more than 25 % of samples should incorporate fecal coliforms. The H2O trial consequences shows that the Banjah H2O has less than 10 bacteriums per 100ml. The todayadays of the a few(prenominal) bacteriums are as a consequence of some common dirt bacteriums which are frequently present sometimes but with really small hazard of fecal pollution. Besides, it should be noted that protected springs provide H2O free from fecal taint. Therefore these explain why the H2O is fit for imbibing.Banjah H2O as seen above is colourless, odourless, tasteless, non acidic, soft and with less bacterium content. The H2O can hence be termed mineral H2O. This high criterion of H2O has minify the incidence of H2O borne diseases, though non wholly eradicated. This can be seen by comparing the distribution of diseases before and after the strategy. The tabular arraies below study the distribution of diseases before and after the realisation of the strategy.Table 12a Distribution of Diseases before the Scheme.Types of diseasesNumber of peoplePercentage ( % )DiarrheaDysentery epidemic choleraRashs4735203036261523Entire132100Beginning Field Survey 2006Table 12b Distribution of Diseases after the Scheme.Types of diseasesNumber of peoplePercentage ( % )DiarrheaDysenteryCholeraRashs1211263935719Entire31100Beginning Field Survey 2006A comparism of these tabular arraies shows that the incidence of H2O borne diseases has reduced. Harmonizing to the sampled population, the sum of 132 people was ill of H2O borne diseases before, and after the installing of the strategy it reduced to 31. This decrease is as a consequence of the good quality H2O. But the inquiry still remains why have nt these diseases been wholly eradicated? This will be analysed in the pages in front.3.1.2 Decrease in the Burden of Fetching WaterWomans and kids are responsible for about all the activities in the rural surroundings in which Banjah is portion. With the coming of the H2O strategy, the load of transporting H2O has been reduced. They have much clip now for their household activities and instruction. The below statistics show the clip served by one individual for a twelvemonth when mensurating the decrease in the load of taking H2O. To cipher the entire figure of hours saved on the norm, we take a day-to-day figure and express as an one-year sum.Average clip saved per trip = 35minsAverage clip saved per twenty-four hours = 1.06 ten 35= 37.1mins= 0.62hoursAverage clip saved for 1 twelvemonth by a individual = 0.62 ten 365hours = 226.3 hours.The figures indicated above gives the sum of clip the each individual will salvage in other to transport out other of import eco nomic activities.With the above clip saved, adult females now are more creative and efficient in the public institution of their domestic duties. They besides have clip for other more productive income bring forthing activities like agriculture, and selling the green goods, retailing, selling palm wine-coloured tapped by their hubbies. The income generated from these activities help in bettering kids s nutrition, wellness, sanitation and instruction.The installing of the H2O strategy in Banjah has besides helped the adult females or made adult females better on their general sanitation. It has besides helped them to conserve their privateness, since they do non hold to take a bath in the watercourse or rivers as earlier. The Banjah adult females now have leisure clip to rest, visit dealing and friends and besides join associations. They can freely oversee the kids, go toing meetings and other socio- political assemblage. These adult females besides have clip to organize autonom ous enterprise groups which can better their criterions of life and cut down poorness. This is done through the instruction of the adult females on improved agriculture methods ( for illustration usage of fertilisers and other farm inputs ) , sanitation, nutrition and they are besides meliorate on HIV and household planning pattern to guarantee their well being. Some of them have decided to utilize the clip saved by increasing their farm sizes and thereby passing more clip on the farm.3.1.3 Micro Irrigation SchemesAgribusiness is the anchor of the Banjah people. From the field study, 80 % of the sampled population are engaged in agricultural activities. Water being really of import for agribusiness makes the installing of the pipe borne H2O really utile to the Banjah people. During the dry season when there is no rain, the installed H2O is used for watering small- graduate table farms and gardens. Most people who works veggies like huckleberry, tomatoes, onions and lettuce includ ing harvests like murphies make usage of the H2O. Field study reveals that Banjah small town is the highest manufacturer of huckleberry normally known as jamajama . It is cultivated non merely during the rainy season as before but all twelvemonth unit of ammunition because of the presence of abundant H2O for irrigation. Peoples come in from far and near to procure this vegetable and it is the highest income generator particularly during the dry season when it is scarce in other parts of the state.This strategy is besides used by cows rearers. Most Banjah people like many others in the pasturagefield are cows rearers. The H2O is used to maintain the animate beings fresh and healthy during the dry season when there is limited grass to feed the animate beings and besides the drying up of H2O points. It is besides used to turn hye during the prohibitionist season which some cowss feed on.The Banjah drinkable H2O is besides used for angling. There are angling pools in the small tow n. These fish pools do non merely generate income but serve as a beginning of protein which is really scarce to come by.3.1.4 Rural Infrastructure.The rural substructure of Banjah portrays a representative African rural country scene. The small town suffers from a major job of unequal rural substructure. These include educational installations, communicating web, drinkable H2O, wellness centre, agricultural extension services, commercial installations and worst of all rural electrification.Houses in this small town are constructed with local stuffs like clay, bamboo and grass ( thatched ) . Very few people use cement blocks to build. Other stuffs used are zinc and processed wood.More than half of the people use clay blocks, locally produced to build. The chief bridle-path runs from Bamenda town through the small town to Bambili. There are minor roads and footpaths criss-crossing the other strange countries of the small town. There are two chief spiritual groups, which have been p ortrayed by the presence of Christian churches and a mosque. There is merely a primary school and a local market that operates one time a hebdomad.From the field study it was noticed much has sincerely improved as concerns substructure since the installing of the strategy. Some of the sampled population greatly agreed on this point. Peoples now have extra H2O adjacent to build their ain houses. This has increased the figure of houses in the small town. Most frequently, houses are being constructed utilizing local stuff and by the proprietors. Since they have entree to a nearby pat, they mould blocks and build their houses at a frown cost. At first, they had to transport H2O from distant beginnings, this was really boring and really expensive fewer houses were hence constructed before the installing of the strategy.The installing of the strategy has besides enhanced other development undertakings. One of the major developments is the building of a wellness Centre although non yet completed because of abuse of financess. Recently, the route was graded and there are chances of tarring the route and supplying electricity to the villagers.3.2 minus ImpactsThe Banjah H2O strategy has been successful to an extent. This is because the small towns still face some negative impacts caused by the strategy. These impacts were gotten from interviews and direct field observation has been expatiated below.3.2.1 Destruction of colonies, horticulture disciplines and flora.Colonies, flora and farming areas were destroyed in the cause of the installing of the pipes. Most of these pipes had to crisscross colony, flora and farming areas. All these things were destroyed without compensation as a consequence of the installing of the strategy. Field observation showed that some pipes passed through some people s compounds. This mean that these people can non transport out any other development undertaking like constructing a house be house because the pipes will be destroyed. B esides its hazardous edifice a house because what if the pipes has a escape or is being broken the house will be wholly destroyed.3.2.2 The catchment country and land decreaseThe land around the catchment country has been restricted from graze and other agriculture activities. This is to avoid pollution of the catchment. It should be noted that this has led to the decrease of farming areas and croping land particularly since this topographic point usage to be one of the really fertile lands of the small town. The limited land is now doing farmer-grazier struggles in some other parts of the small town.3.2.3 OutgoLast, the installing of the strategy led to excessively much outgo, which to an extent has increased poorness. Although fiscal, stuff and proficient assistance were gotten from Non Governmental Organizations, the villagers besides had to lend. With their meager incomes, some were coerce to pay certain dues. More so, they are still supposed to pay one-year dues of 1000FCFA fo r work forces and 500FCFA for adult females.Chapter FOURPROBLEMS FACED IN THE MANAGEMENT OF THE SCHEME AND forthcoming PROSPECTSMajority of the Banjah population has entree to the drinkable H2O, but a good figure of the villagers are still faced with H2O crisis. There are many jobs in the direction of the strategy. Despite all these jobs, there are still some chances.4.1 Problems Faced in the Management of the Scheme4.1.1 TopographyThe survey country falls within the Western Highlandss of Cameroon, which implies that the underlying stones of Banjah are old granite and gneiss of the Precambrian season covered by basalt ( Neba 1999 ) . The part is fundamentally composed of drops. This vicinity depicts a rugged highland terrain made up of hills that are separated from each other by deep v-shaped and U-shaped vales depending on the incline. The alleviation of this country can be divided into two the low and upland countries.The Lowlandss are implant around the Southern Western and Ce ntral parts of Banjah, with an mean stature of 700m. The Highlandss on the other manus cover the Northern and Eastern parts of the survey country. The height scopes from about 1800-2200m above sea degree. This physical terrain has greatly affected the distribution of drinkable H2O.Field observation shows that the site and state of affairs of the catchment is a great hinderance to the distribution of drinkable H2O as a consequence of the topography. The catchment is situated at a tallness of 1826meters above sea degree. There are other countries of more than 2000meters. This has made it infeasible for drinkable H2O to make the really high countries. Much money is needed to widen the pipes to these countries. The catchment, located at the South West of the small town sum that some pipes has to crisscross the survey country to ingestion countries. Besides, with the stony ornament some of the pipes have been broken hence tip out much H2O. Some quarters are left without H2O. There i s therefore the demand to supply much finance to better on the quality of pipes to direct H2O to the destitute topographic points.The varied landscape made up of undulating programs and high extremums, some which are higher than the catchment necessitated really high hydraulic profile or force per unit area to guarantee efficient H2O distribution. However, much(prenominal) a venture is kind of expensive and may non be low-cost by the villagers or the dwellers of Banjah. This explains why many a clip particularly during the dry season a good bulk of lights-outs in Banjah does non flux and why quarters such as Ntoh with high lift have non yet benefited from the strategy.4.1.2 Socio economicThe economic system of Banjah like other rural countries is characterized by subsistence agribusiness. More than 85 % of the population is involved in subsistence agribusiness. There are other economic activities like the operation of proviso shops, off-licenses, merchandising of palm vino and loc al maize beer. The merchandising of firewood besides brings in much income. With their meager income they are faced with many duties like educating their kids and supplying day-to-day staff of life for the household. Therefore paying their annual dues is really hard and at times some people can non afford to pay for old ages.Besides the fiscal restraints of the community and their avidity to supply H2O within well-founded distances for the people have made some families to put in base lights-outs around the compound. Most of such lights-outs are below acceptable criterions. They do non hold good basins round them but few rocks to back up the containers. As a consequence, there is a chance that H2O from such environment fortunes become contaminated earlier ingestion as soiled H2O splashes into the containers in the class of roll uping the H2O.4.1.3 NegligenceMost of the environing countries have been extremely neglected. Direct field observation shows that catchment country, the arm ored combat vehicle and some lights-outs have become soiled and shaggy due to negligence. This is because as explained above, the villagers are either non able or are non willing to pay their annual dues. Therefore, those who are supposed to take attention of these armored combat vehicles, catchments countries and lights-outs are non sufficiently motivated. This therefore consequences to carelessness. Besides most of the house installed lights-outs do non hold good drainage systems. This consequences to messy and unhealthy milieus. Dead H2O is a good genteelness environment for vectors conveying diseases like malaria which is really common in Banjah small town.4.1.4 Population distributionThere are a important alteration in the population of Banjah small town from the 1976 and 1987 nose count, the population of Banjah was 984 dwellers. In 1987, the population rose to 1824 that is 840 new dwellers or 86.8 % addition. It was projected that by the twelvemonth 2000, the population of Ba njah was supposed to hold reached 3648 dwellers.Table 13 Population Trend and Projection.19761987Actual alterationPercentage alterationProjection2000984182484086.8 %33648Beginning base on Demo 1987, Second General Census Cameroon.The ratio of public lights-outs to the population in the community is really low. There are about 32 public lights-outs in the small town to a population of more than 33648 people. Besides, the population is extremely dispersed. The community hence finds it really hard to turn up lights-outs and alternatively expensive to associate all the colonies with pipe borne H2O. There is overcrowding around these few lights-outs which consequences to contending particularly amongst kids. Some of these battles to bring H2O lead to hostility amongst villagers, which retard advancement. Besides, non all the countries have entree to drinkable H2O during the dry season. There is therefore the demand for rationing. Most people faced with these jobs tend to bring H2O from the contaminated beginnings. Therefore partially explains why the incidence of H2O borne diseases can non be wholly eradicated.4.1.5 Management forcesLike most community undertakings, people are elected from the community to pull off its activities. They form the nucleus of the undertaking. The Banjah rural H2O supply has this forces but with unequal direction accomplishments and trained technicians. Most of these people are voluntary workers with other professions. This means they have other businesss. They hence have limited clip for the personal businesss of the strategy. These restraints in work force ( labor ) have resulted to incompetent direction and bringing of required services to the people.Besides, field study revealed that, due to the work load and inability of the community to back up lasting workers as a consequence of fiscal restraints, these have given rise to inadequate records of the strategy such as figure of people, with private installings. Such records are cr itical because they aid in the anticipation and undertaking of future demands and fiscal budgeting sing the strategy.4.1.6 CaretakerThese are the field workers who are supposed to be beaten(prenominal) with their work. They are expected to often describe to the direction commission, on the state of affairs in the field, with the origin of the undertaking. Normally, at the get downing a villager was trained to execute this responsibility, but soon, other people have been co-opted in his topographic point. They are short of the needed accomplishments. As such there exists some carelessness to execute their responsibility coupled with deficiency of experience. At times escape can travel for hebdomads through pipe and lose caputs of public standpipes before they are discovered and repaired.4.1.7 Communication jobField oppugning and observation besides showed that the people are nescient on how the undertaking operates and their program of work for the twelvemonth. All they know is that they have to lend for the operations. Because of this confide there is misappropriate of their financess, by those in charge therefore enervating the people s involvement in full engagement on the activities of the H2O undertaking. They are hence non willing to pay their annual dues. The people believe that the money will non be judiciously used. This therefore makes it impractical for the undertaking to be smoothly tally.Future PROSPECTS IN RELATION TO PRESENT TRENDS OF phylogenesis OF THE SCHEMEAll is non yet lost since there is still hope for the community to be wholly served with drinkable H2O. Field study revealed the following sing the future chances of drinkable H2O in the Banjah community.The nowadayss of raffia thenar and the cutting down of all eucalyptus around the present catchment country makes the handiness of drinkable H2O promising. This is because H2O will be available to the community at all seasons if non to the whole small town but to portion of the small town . The raffia thenar shop H2O which is released during periods of deficit, this guarantees changeless supply to some parts of the small town.Besides, the wiring of the country around the catchment country prevents the country from being polluted by either fertilisers from farming or croping around the catchment country. Finally, there is a great chance to recognize another strategy. This will hopefully function the Ntoh one-fourth and its milieus where there is no drinkable H2O supply at all.4.2.1 A ill-judged Description of the Micro undertaking.The deficiency of drinkable H2O in some parts of Banjah as a consequence of the rugged topography of the small town, poorness and long distance to drinkable H2O beginning has lead to high rate of H2O born diseases, hapless wellness and decrease in population. This undertaking will therefore aimed at relieving poorness and fosterage development through the supply of drinkable H2O to the Banjah castle and the Ntoh one-fourth as a whole beside s reenforcing the flow rate of the bing supply.Aims Short term To provide drinkable H2O to the community.Long term To better wellness conditions, increase agricultural end product and accelerate development.Table 14 Budget of a Proposed Scheme.DIFFERENT CONTRIBUTIONSFundss IN FCFACommunity Kind Contribution1.980.000Community Cash Contribution1.528.000Expected Aid3.100.000Entire6.608.000Beginning Committee ChairmanIn order to raise financess for the undertaking, letters of entreaty will be send to project related Non Governmental Organization and many other givers. The cost estimation will hence be forwarded to the Ministry of Water and animation which has a budget given for funding rural H2O supply strategies in Cameroon. With Cameroon making the Highly Indebted Country Initiative ( HIPIC ) degree, budgets are now allocated to transport out development undertakings in rural communities. So the Banjah people are looking frontward to derive aid from the advance and of class other g ivers. A successful realisation of the above chances, will lend a great trade to the success of the Banjah Water undertaking. custodytionsPublished BeginningsAkintola F.O and Aroela. ( 1979 ) interior(prenominal) Water Consumption in Urban Areas A instance survey in Ibadan City, Nigeria Water Supply and Management.Nigeria. Vol. 4 pp ( 313-312 )Andrew M. Tayong. ( 2005 ) community voice in rural H2O supply undertakings. An illustrated usher and practical usher. 58pAndrew M. Tayong. ( 2002 ) Spring Water Tapping , In Van Wilk, C. , Jo Smet ( detonative detection systems ) secondary Water Supplies Technology, people and Partnership, IRC, Delft, The Netherlands pp152-167Andrew M. T. , Poubom, C ( 1999a ) . 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HELVETAS. 20pTable OF CONTENTGENERAL INTRODUCTIONMETHODOLOGY AND LIMITATION OF STUDY0.5.1Data and Information CollectionAcquisition of secondary informationsAcquisition of primary informations.Data analysis.Chapter ONESituation OF POTABLE WATER BEFORE THE REALISATION OF THE SCHEME AND SUPPLY PROCEDURESituation of Water Supply before the Realization of the Scheme.Beginnings of Water Before the Realization of the Scheme1.2 Problems Faced Before the Realization of the Scheme1.2.1 Burden of Fetching Water1.2.2 Health Problems1.2.3 Social Problems1.3 Supply Procedure1.3.1Initiation1.3.1FundingChapter TWO3.1 ACTO RS AND STRATERGIES IN THE SUPPLY AND MANAGEMENT OF THE SCHEME.3.1.1Operation, Distribution of lights-outs and Care3.1.2 Community Involvement.3.1.3 Women InvolvementChapter THREESOCIO ECONOMIC IMPACTS OF THE BANJAH WATER SUPPLY SCHEME.3.1 Positive Impacts3.1.1 Decrease in Water Borne Diseases3.1.2 Decrease in the Burden of Fetching Water3.1.3 Micro-Irrigation Schemes3.1.4 Rural Infrastructure3.2 Negative Impacts3.2.1 Destruction of colony, farming area and flora3.2.2 The catchment country3.2.3 OutgoChapter FOURPROBLEMS FACED BY THE SCHEME AND FUTURE PROSPECTS4.1 Problems Faced by the Scheme4.1.1 Topography4.1.2 Socio- economic4.1.3 Negligence4.1.4 Population Distribution4.1.5 Management Personnel4.1.6 Caretaker4.1.7 Communication ProblemFuture PROSPECTS IN RELATION TO PRESENT TRENDS OF EVOLUTION OF THE SCHEMEA Short Description of the Micro Project

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